
More Male Narcissists?

There are more male adult Narcissists than female in modern society for SOCIAL reasons, not simply because of biology.
If the reason was biological, then the social dynamics and belief systems would be a lot more similar from region to region, group to group, and family to family, in much more specific ways. Needing oxygen, needing water, needing food, and needing shelter and warmth are universal. Social beliefs and sex "roles" are not, because they're not biological; we make them up. And then we use biology as a way to rationalize (attach reasons to) our made-up stories.

For example, being protective of the dignity of a woman seems to be swept aside in sexist cultures, but protecting the dignity of a man is considered a "virtue".
The reputation of a man regarding business, ability, achievement and skill is held up by others as "important", but is often diminished and simply ignored when the person is a woman.
It's just conditioning; it's not about reality; it's how we're taught to think from one generation to the next, and from the influence of one culture or another, or from "offshoots" and subgroups of cultures.

Superstition and made-up stories also play a very large role in sexism and gender issues.

It doesn't make logical sense at all, and indeed the imbalance creates serious dysfunction in the culture, which directly affects the children and throws a large wrench in the forward progress of quality of life for all citizens.

It is absolutely more acceptable in most human groups, but not ALL, for people to treat a woman or girl dismissively, disrespectfully, than a man or boy. It is more acceptable in most human groups to micro-judge and "assess" girls and women for everything, from the way they look, to the way they dress, to the way they talk, what they do for a living, what they're interested in, and what they talk ABOUT, than to micro-judge and assess men and boys.
It is more acceptable in most human groups for people to feel entitled to dictate and tut-tut what a girl or woman "should" or "should not be" doing, in pretty much any area of life, from clothing to daily chores, to hobbies, skills, career, and life in general, and even what they're talking about, than to dictate such wheedling, control-freak details to boys and men.

It is more acceptable in most human groups for people to behave  immaturely and childishly toward women than toward men, and women are expected to just "take it" and "deal with it", or they are chastised (the way children chastise one another) for being "too sensitive". Men, on the other hand, (in general), are actually more protected by those same people from insult, humiliation, disrespect, betrayal, and rebellion.

So it's actually women who are LESS protected and helped in most societies, and men who are MORE protected and helped. Not the other way around. It may SEEM like it's the other way around, but when we actually look at real statistics and listen to real facts and real experiences, it's quite evident what the reality of the situation is.

(The fact that so many people will have an emotionally defensive reaction toward the previous paragraph DEMONSTRATES that we keep it "close to our chest" and take it personally, which means we are NOT objective and factual about the subject. We're covering something up.)

Boys witness this large disparity as they grow up, and are of course affected by it. To be a member of the group who does NOT get wheedled, micro-judged and micro-managed by others can feel like one's own group does not DESERVE this micro-management and demeaning treatment because they're so much greater and better, but that the other group DOES, because they're so much lesser and worse.

To exacerbate this further, boys are usually directly taught that they are entitled to be the "boss" and the "leader" over any females whom they're connected to in any way, and that the REASON for this is because men are superior in many ways to women, physically and mentally. These "reasons" are implied to be biological "truths", and are not to be questioned or challenged...

When adults teach children that their group is superior to another group, and then give them "reasons", it's not hard to understand why the children would believe it, and internalize it, make it a part of their identity.

The group that is being conditioned to be the "inferior" group is being taught also to believe that this is all true, even while they're being taught at the same time that it doesn't EXIST, that it's "ALL IN THEIR HEADS".

In racist cultures and groups ,the exact same method is used to condition one group to believe in their own "natural superiority", and to condition the other group to accept being the "inferior" group, thereby mentally conditioning one group to feel entitled to lord over the other, and conditioning the other group to allow it and go along with it.

Both groups, whether it's the two sexes that are being conditioned or two races, will be given "reasons" to explain the imbalance, and most humans will actually just buy into it, because they were raised inside of the fictional zeitgeist.

Amazingly, human groups that have been oppressed by other groups will STILL produce individuals who seek to be included in a "supreme" group. These individuals apparently learned nothing from being on the RECEIVING end of oppression, and now seek to be recognized as a member of a "superior" group, so now THEY can be one of the people who boss other people around.
(Imbalance, when not corrected, causes a domino effect, a "ripple effect", and even collapse. Basic physics. If one's goal is REALLY to keep a cart upright, (cart representing human life; society, family, relationship, community, education, government, business, science, "progress"), moving, and functioning properly, then one must make sure to keep the wheels in balance with one another, so they hold up the rest of the cart and roll properly. If one of the wheels is larger, then there is more weight on the smaller wheel because the weight shifts to the lower side of the load, and the whole cart is off balance, ready to topple. The large wheel is carrying LESS weight, not MORE weight, so one can see why a person would want to BE the "larger wheel" instead of the smaller wheel if those are the only two choices; you get to carry LESS real weight, but be more visible, and you appear to be the stronger wheel to those who don't understand basic physics.) The cart topples toward the side of the smaller wheel, or the smaller wheel breaks under the load. and everyone blames the smaller wheel for being "too weak", when what was really happening was that the bigger wheel was throwing off the center of gravity in the cart load, shifting more weight to the smaller wheel. A balanced cart that would get its load safely and efficiently from point A to point B would have the same sized wheels on each side, and both would be carrying the weight equally, in a cooperative fashion. That doesn't mean that the "small wheel" needs to be replaced with a "big wheel" so now there's two "big wheels"... it means, metaphorically, that we as human beings need to quit BEING "small wheels" and "big wheels" that compete for false credit, and who try to shift weight and blame on one another.