
Like Playing Ball (With A Narcissist)

Being in a 'relationship' with a Narcissistic person is a lot like trying to play ball with one.

You throw the ball, they catch it, but they drop it on the ground instead of throwing it back to you.

You throw the ball, they catch it, but they throw it to someone else instead of throwing it back to you.

They encourage you to "go for it" and "be confident" in yourself, but when you do, they're attacking and criticizing you, saying you don't know what you're doing, and you don't "have the credentials".

They don't pay attention to your existence, or anything about you until they realize you've stopped throwing the ball, then they get mad at you.

You throw the ball... they catch it, and then criticize your throw, or give you "advice" that you didn't ask for.

You throw the ball, they catch it, and they WHIP IT at your head.

You throw the ball... they walk away and start talking to someone else.

They whip the ball at you, it gives you a concussion, and they accuse you of "making it all up to get attention".

You throw the ball, they make fun of the way you throw with their "buds"; they say they're "just joking".

You return the same favor and make fun of the way they throw with your "buds", and they have a tantrum and go home.

You throw the ball, they catch it, and then throw it as hard as they can over your head so you have to run after it.

You throw the ball... they catch it, and then throw it as hard as they can to get attention and applause from whoever is watching.

They ask you to play ball with them, and then accuse you of begging to play ball with them all the time.

They ask you to play ball with them, and then make fun or your race or your sex every time you throw or catch imperfectly, claiming that theirs is naturally superior.

They ask you to play ball with them, but when you get there, they're already playing with someone else... and they act like you invited yourself inappropriately, and aren't welcome.

They ask you to play ball, but they don't show up, and then don't answer their phone.

They throw the ball when you're not looking and then criticize you for being lazy or too slow.

They ask you to play ball, but when you show up, they change the plans, change the rules, and argue every thing you say or do.

They ask you to play ball, but every time you go to throw it, they walk over to you and "correct your stance".

They ask you to play ball, but they don't tell you that you'll have to provide all of the supplies, and you have to give them a ride to the field.

When you ask THEM to play ball, they say no. Or, they say "yes", but then say "no" at the last minute.

They slowly convince you over time that they're the only one who likes you enough to play ball with you, because you're such a loser, a crappy player, a spoil sport, or a whiner.

They tell you they can't play ball today because they have to do laundry or work, but when you go to the field, they're already there playing with someone else.

They ask you to throw the ball to them over and over so they can practice hitting and catching, but when it's your turn, they "have to go home" or they're "too tired". Next time, same thing. And so on.

They blame you for the ball getting dirt on it.

They throw your ball and glove away.

They steal your ball and glove.

They keep losing their own ball and glove, and DEMAND that you replace it.

They "punish" or retaliate against you whenever you have something else to do, even though you've played ball with them 15 days in a row.

They judge you, or get mad at you, if you don't have a ball or glove .

They BEG you to play ball again, but every time you agree, they do all the same things they did before.

Everything they do is about themselves.
They CAN'T just "play ball".
They can't just DO anything without making it about themselves, or getting some kind of fix of control or superiority where someone else gets treated with disrespect and ridiculous unfairness.
They have to somehow make it into a dramatic display that has nothing to do with actually playing ball. 

"Those who don't have any balls of their own need someone to throw them some." ~Anonymous