
Recovery From Narcissism Traits

A lot of people with other illnesses also have Narcissism traits that go along with their underlying issues. Including but not limited to PTSD. These traits and behaviors may serve the purpose of "protecting" the person's very fragile self from the harsh outside world. However when the person is in a safe place and is seeking recovery, the Narcissism traits can keep coming back when they're triggered for any reason, for "good" reasons or for "bad" reasons, and can delay and inhibit recovery a great deal.
It would be very helpful for a person to find a grounded and objective therapist and/or healer to help them along in their recovery. Really, it's a lot to ask from friends, partners, and family to be one's main support in recovery; they are personally connected, and will suffer from the bouts of Narcissistic reactions and behaviors. It's important to have support, and someone to act as a neutral feedback mirror/sounding board outside of one's personal circle (whether one has Narc. traits or not).