
Victim Hood

  • Frequent bullying treatment such as being insulted, humiliated, invalidated, put down, ignored, verbally attacked, backstabbed, abandoned when in need, lied to, lied ABOUT, sabotaged, bullied, invaded, assaulted, played, and generally betrayed is going to have effects on a person. No normal human being is going to walk around "unscathed" and unaffected after being the target of this kind of treatment, whether it was during childhood or adulthood, whether it was family, friend, partner, or other. Only a robot, or a sociopath, would simply keep on like nothing happened, "pick themselves up and brush themselves off", "get on with their life", or "get over it". If it didn't affect you and your life adversely, that's when you want to worry. That would actually be a sign of mental illness.
    So, take heart if you feel overwhelmed, have depression or anxiety issues, or like your recovery is taking too long; it means you have a real, working, human brain.