
Experts, Leaders and Gurus

We decide we know what kind of people are "wise" and "worthy", who knows things and who doesn't, who is respect-worthy and who is not,  long before we are mature enough to actually see others in the light of reality. 

Women Don't Like Nice Guys

Since when do the men who complain that women don't go for "nice guys" ever go for "nice girls"?  Huh, what was that?... Too boring...? Too nerdy...? Too short...too smart...too talkative...too quiet...too tall... too skinny... too fat... too independent, not independent enough, not enough make-up, too much make-up, wrong feet, wrong hair, wrong voice, too opinionated, too weak, too strong, not opinionated enough... lol let's have a break from the hypocrisy shall we... How about we all get off the High Hobby Horse, and just find a human being that we get along well with and actually LIKE, who LIKES us back, and forget about letting our little buddies make that decision FOR us...