
No One Cares?

It is just as difficult for an "abuser" to have a genuine friend, or genuine support network, or get proper mental health care, as a "target". The epidemic of narcissism is far and wide, and refusing to be supportive toward friends and family IS the most common and obvious symptom. People leave strangers, even children, lying in the street after a heart attack or getting hit by a car. They stand there and watch in a crowd while a person drowns. That's the same reaction as refusing to act as a supportive ally toward a friend or a family member, and instead withdrawing, or blaming them, throwing hands in the air and claiming "too busy!" when the only things they're "too busy" with is having a good life and making money. If you need a supportive friend, talk to someone who's not a narcissist, who is an actual adult. Even if they're walking through fire in their own lives, they will have time to lend an ear, or a shoulder, or a cup of coffee, and they won't blame you, judge you, or criticize you. A narcissist will, because it makes them feel smart or powerful or something. Seek genuine hearts, even if they're going through pain and tribulation themselves, they will still have time to talk; they don't set a "price" for friendship ,and they don't want to be bowed to. They're hard to find, but when you do find one, respect them and their boundaries, don't overstep at all, and be very grateful, because you are very lucky to have found one.