
Name Dropping And Narcissism

Name-dropping is another common behavior of those with narcissism. There are two sides to this coin: they "drop names" to show that they're one of the "important people", and want to be associated with them~ and at the same time they will accuse others of "name dropping", or accuse them of making things up. So they will do things like referring to politicians, celebrities, local prominent people in the community, even upper management at their business or popular people using first names, and talk about them like they're just "one of the people they know". But they will also treat others like they are MAKING IT UP or SHOWING OFF whenever they refer to a famous or wealthy person they really do know. They'll have this reaction EVEN IF the "famous person" is a member of that person's  own family.
It's classic projection. The Narcissist "name drops" in order to make others believe he or she is "in" with "important people", so when someone else mentions a famous or popular person, they project that same motive onto them. So even if your Mom actually IS Whoopie Goldberg, a Narcissist will treat you like you are "name dropping" or "showing off" whenever you mention her. Even if YOU are Whoopie Goldberg, a narcissist will treat you like you are "name dropping" every time you talk about your coworkers who happen to be celebrities, or when you talk about a past memory that includes someone famous or "important" in it.
Narcissists can't STAND people who have had more recognition, accomplishments, fame, or connections with "famous" or "important" people than they have. If they know you personally, they HAVE TO be "more important" than YOU. So not only will they try to "out shine" you, but they will also try to diminish anything and everything you say and do that twinges their ego.