
Women Who Bully Women

Narcissistic women like to "emasculate" other women. No one seems to notice, because of the gender conditioning in the culture.

>They like to treat another woman like she is a physical weakling, a child, a novice, a beginner.
>They like to treat another woman as if she is fearful, shy, anxious, or has low self-esteem.
>They like to treat another woman like she is NOT CAPABLE, either mentally or physically, or like she is terribly inexperienced.
>They LOVE to treat another woman as if she is mentally or emotionally unstable.
>They enjoy micro-judging and micro-managing another woman.
>They like very much to try and cast shame on another woman for anything she has, is, or does that they're jealous of. (Talent, money, possessions, recognition, friends, looks, etc.).
>They like to pull passive aggressive moves like withholding messages and information,  throwing things away, rearranging things, giving their target a smaller portion of food, a dirty cup, or even adding something to food without telling the target (like putting mustard on a sandwich when they know full well the target can't eat mustard, or putting medicine in the target's drink or food "for their own good").
>They enjoy making up fictional negative stories about the target and spreading them to family and friends, or revealing confidences that the target had entrusted them with.
>They love to get attention from men for their appearance, so they will often dress to the nines and act more "feminine" on purpose.
>They get a THRILL out of treating the MAN their target woman is with like Royalty, both in BUSINESS and in SOCIAL situations, and watching him respond to the ego stroking. Especially when the man seems to "forget" all about the woman he's supposed to be WITH. Both younger and older narc. women do this, they just use different tactics.
(Unfortunately most men fall for this hook line and sinker, both in business and social circles. If you find one that doesn't, who has awareness of both male and female manipulators, don't forget his name, he's rare.)
Narcissistic women will also use the male bias of OTHERS to control, manipulate, and diminish their target woman.
They also may adapt for themselves an attitude of anti-female bias that seems to mimic that of a sex-bigoted MALE. This may be an attempt to "fit in" with men; the Narcissist female of course wants to be associated with whoever she perceives as having the most power.


Facebook Experiment

The Facebook experiment is truly fascinating for those who use it as an observation station for human interaction. It reveals many of the social motivations of people, especially those who don't realize they're being observed. For example, most human beings don't listen to the points of views of others unless they already agree with them, or if they hold the person up as higher than they are. There are some who are able to listen and learn from others, but the percentage is low. Also, many will comment only on either posts they agree with and like, or posts they oppose, and they will express that in the comment (their agreement or opposition). Few will comment on a post to actually participate in a discussion about the topic, they seem to be only interested in making a "this is right" or "this is wrong" statement. Also, few people seem to be aware that social media are public forums. A small percentage of users are able to maintain decorum; it is common to see comments that are rude, impolite, personal, boorish and insulting toward the poster, which indicates either a purposeful attempt at humiliating the poster in front of others, or a lack of awareness of either the public nature of social media, or of basic manners. Attempts to display "higher status" and "dominance" are clearly visible on comment threads, something that is not so visible in face to face interaction (due to shifting emotional reactions during face to face interactions, physical appearance bias, and body language signalling.)
On a positive note, social media has also given a platform for anyone who has access to publish their point of view without being shut down, blocked, or sabotaged; this is the first time in human history that this has been a possibility. Also, social media has given people a way to participate in positive interaction that they may previously not have been able to, and make connections with new and old friends that they would not have otherwise, and this seems to increase the overall positive atmosphere in their lives and possibly in the world.

And no, in case you were wondering, Facebook is not conducting an experiment in human behavior as far as I am aware. I doubt they would even have the time.
