
When Do Abusers Stop?

A narcissistic abuser will abuse a target mentally, emotionally, sometimes physically, sometimes financially, to the point of severe depression or suicidal ideation on the target's part, and then they will do it some more. A narcissistic abuser does not STOP when they see that the target has reached a breaking point, even if they want to keep the target around. They will do it more, since the target showing signs of fatigue, stress, emotional exhaustion or illness are actually triggers for narcissistic  abusers. 

They don't stop when they see these signs in their target like normal people would and think "gosh I've been too hard on him/her, I need to make some serious changes." They actually amp up the abuse, because now they have what they see as ammunition against the target, they see an opportunity to criticize the target for their "weaknesses". They don't care, or maybe don't comprehend, that they were the reason for the target's condition. Or, for a psychopath, they do know, and that was their intention all along. 

They may see their behavior and extreme arrogance as "strength", so talking to them about it probably won't even make a dent. The best way to deal with a narcissistic abuser is to just get away from them, and only see them in safe places with other people around. (Safe people, not friends of the abuser.)