
Tolerance, Or Respect For Other Human Beings?

"Tolerance" is not the same as "Respecting Others".
Tolerance is for the fearful and the judgmental. Respect, however, is given freely by those who respect themselves.

Controllers Project Incompetence Onto Others

One of the things Controllers seem to like very much is to project incompetence, inexperience, and lack of intelligence or skill onto others, especially their targets.

They seem to want everyone else to also believe this projection.
One of the ways they do this is to ignore and dismiss a target's capability. For example: There is small brush fire in the yard. Those present at the scene are three adults, one of whom is a Controller. The Controller treats one of the adults as if he/she is a competent grown-up, "allowing" them to help actively put out the fire. However, the Controller targets the other adult and treats them as if they are a small child who should "stay back" and "let the grown ups handle it."
>The only person with any experience in handling fires IS the target, the other two adults are actually getting high from an adrenaline rush and don't want it to get ruined by the calm-acting target.<
The Controller is not trying to actually "lead", or to "protect" the target, he/she is simply jumping on the opportunity for an adrenaline rush.

The adrenaline rush comes from several things
~ First, the "emergency situation", which Controllers often turn into a much bigger "event" than it actually is.
~ Then, the opportunity to PARTICIPATE in an "emergency situation"
~The opportunity to assign themselves as a "BOSS" in such a situation. ("Bosses" have to have "subordinates", they HAVE TO pick someone to be the "subordinate", and it's usually the person who seems the least likely to clock them for doing it.)
~The opportunity to DIRECT OTHERS
~The opportunity to receive credit, acknowledgement, and attention for being the "HERO" in the situation.
~The opportunity to DOMINATE someone else, and receive no consequences for it (only CREDIT).

~Some get an adrenaline rush out of the actual danger, but not that many~ most Controllers often feign courage, which creates a dangerous situation The Controller who is feigning courage is most likely ACTING like they know what they're doing to convince onlookers, but are actually AVOIDING doing what really needs to be done, because they're afraid. These Controllers will keep targets who DO know what they're doing away from the situation, so they can't get close enough to take action. Further, bystanders who buy into the Controller's act will often actually ASSIST in keeping "targets" away, contributing to the deterioration of the situation. (Often bystanders who do this are also getting an adrenaline rush as well.)

Another example: Picture a child who has fallen in a drain pipe. Five adults hear the child calling out. Only one of them is small enough to go into the drain pipe and retrieve the child. All the others are afraid of the drain pipe, but the small adult is not, and starts to go down to the pipe.
Because two of the other adults are Controllers, they actually make a huge ruckus about the small adult going in after the child (because that means that small person might get CREDIT for being the "HERO", and that means they DON'T get it). They actually hold the smaller person back and try to shame them and prevent them from going to get the child, while calling the police and the fire department. (In the meantime, the child is crying and getting colder and colder.)

Of course the small adult goes around behind them all and runs down the ravine, and retrieves the child from the drain pipe, because it's what needed to be done. Their two Controller "companions" are not HAPPY that the smaller adult did this, they actually become angry and resentful, and again start trying to shame and blame, with ridiculous statements like "You could have gotten hurt!" or "You could have gotten that child killed!" or "Don't you think of anyone but yourself?!" or "You should have let the professionals handle it!" < (said by the same Controller who wouldn't wait for the fire department during the brush fire.)

These statements were all learned as tools of control long ago.

We can witness this behavior all the time if we pay attention. Controllers take every opportunity to "designate" who IS capable of a task and who is NOT, and it always contains some kind of agenda, often as simple as receiving an adrenaline rush, or preventing a target from being seen by others as "capable" (or being seen by their own selves as "capable".)