
Shame, Money, Resources, and Control

There are specific reasons why Controllers project shame onto targets regarding money and resources.
Controllers usually do not want to share their resources. An easy albeit immature way to avoid having to share one's resources is to cast shame on anyone who might request assistance, or on anyone they owe money to~ both persons and business entities.
That shame might take any form, whatever the Controller thinks of. So the target might be called "needy" or a "loser". This makes the Controller seem like a person who "deserves" to have more resources than the target, and is therefore justified in not sharing or helping them.

The target might be called "greedy" or "controlling" for expecting payment for work done, something they're selling, or money borrowed. This makes the Controller seem like a victim of another Controller, even though he or she consciously made a purchase, hired the person, or requested to borrow money. This martyr facade is meant to justify refusing to pay what's owed. 

Having, holding, and earning resources gives a person a measure of autonomy, freedom, and security. It also gives a person a measure of power and control, and with all of these things, a larger degree of confidence. Controllers DO NOT WANT anyone they want to dominate to have any of these; obviously it means they will not be able to dominate them and control them so easily, nor hide their own dealings so easily. Also, with more resources and confidence comes more respect from more people ~ (because so many people "respect" money and an  air of confidence or arrogance, not actual behavior or character) ~ so a person would have more influence, and any Controller who has manipulated or abused them will be at risk of being exposed; therefore Controllers are interested in keeping targets from gaining resources, success, a good reputation, and confidence. 
 Further still, Controllers want to have control over ALL of the resources, so they only want those whom they FAVOR to gain any of these things, and will actually block and prevent those they don't favor, who they can't control, who outshine them in some way, and who they don't think will favor them from gaining any of these things. 
(This can be seen on personal relationship/family levels, but is also seen in business, school, and government on both a personal and a group dynamic. Sexism, racism, and other "isms" are actually based very much in this.)

The target might be called "demanding" and "greedy" for politely requesting assistance or resources for small or large things, or for achieving a goal, even if the target is the child or other personal connection of the Controller. If the Controller does not have the resources needed, they could just say "no", but the projections on the target often indicate that the Controller actually does have enough to help and just doesn't want to.
On the flip side of that, a Controller who is "requesting" assistance won't take "no" for an answer, and will demand and try to shame or threaten the person they're asking into giving them what they want.

Both a Controller who holds resources/money, and a Controller who is requesting resources/money, feel that they are MORE ENTITLED to any resources/money, and the privileges and freedom it brings.
They will often cast shame and disparaging projections onto targets, trying to paint them as "undeserving" and "unworthy" of holding, earning, handling, inheriting, winning, or being paid back owed resources/money. 
Projecting shame and incompetence onto a target is a very common tactic used to divert them from LOOKING at a Controller's finances and dealings. If a target buys into the implication that she or he "wouldn't understand" or "isn't competent enough" regarding money or business handling, then the Controller successfully keeps everything hidden and covert. 
While money handling is a private affair, when all or some of those resources also belong to another person, they have the complete and total right to review and have ACCESS to them, and ask any question they want. Shaming the person serves as an electric fence, preventing them from requesting or demanding to review or to have direct access. (This tactic can be seen from personal relationships to families to businesses and local governments, all the way to large corporations and national governments.)

(Controllers/Narcissists edit their own history, deleting and dismissing support and help they received from others, and actually believing they built their resources and success with zero or extremely little support. They will especially delete support or help received from a person they're denying assistance to. They also seem to believe they were "entitled" to any assistance they received, be it emotional, financial, social, or promotional, as if someone who did not receive such help is simply not as "worthy" of a human being. In other words, when Joe gets John a job with his cousin's firm, but not Susan, John sees Joe's help as a natural consequence of his greatness, and the lack of Joe's help for Susan as a natural consequence of her being "less worthy". He's neither grateful to Joe, nor sympathetic toward Susan~ he just thinks he "deserves it" and that Susan does not, as a person.)