
Fear Of Being Sucked In

People who's boundaries are not strong often fear that listening to different points of view means they will become hypnotized and indoctrinated, and "get pulled in". Since their boundaries are not strong, they might be right about their own lack of ability to listen to someone else without being heavily influenced. But the issue is not the other person, or what the other person is saying; the issue is the weakened state of their own boundaries. If they were strong and healthy (and they can be if the person were to make an effort in healing them), then the person could hear the point of view of nearly any person on the planet, alive or dead, without changing their own beliefs or "getting sucked in".
Of course there are people who try to persuade and 'charm' others into following them, but that only works on people who aren't aware of the trick. Just like a magic show; if you know the trick, you aren't fooled, you don't believe it was really "magic". But if you don't know the trick, it can certainly seem real.
Healthy boundaries allow a person to watch a magic show, or listen to even the most charismatic politician or religious leader, without getting "sucked in", and without feeling as if one has to DEFEND themselves against being sucked in.