
Humans Judge Others, Wrongly, On ANYTHING and EVERYTHING

Those who are aware of the human tendency to make gigantic, completely baseless assumptions about others are also aware of how far-reaching the effects of it are on individuals. Here is an example of that in the following article in Business Insider, about naming your child so he or she has a better chance at success in life.
Because OTHERS will make huge, ridiculous assumptions about a person based on nothing but their name, and so will the person themselves, about themselves.
The human brain associates things together, whether it's right or wrong, in order to "keep track" of the world.
The "keeping track" is the brain's priority, not whether we are right or wrong about whatever we're keeping track of.
And that's all of us. Not just some of us.

Even five-year-olds judge their peers based on their names

Making decisions based strictly on names, four- and five-year-olds told Jack Daniel, a professor of communication at the University of Pittsburgh, that Sarah is smarter than Shaniqua, that they would rather play with Megan than Tanisha, and that Jamal was more likely to take a bite out of their sandwich than Adam.