
Judging For Jobs

When we judge others on the (legal) job they have or don't have, we're turning something that's not a character trait into a character trait.

The job a person does is just something they DO, it has nothing to do with their character. There are doctors who are genuinely humble and caring people, and there are doctors who are complete jerks, who don't even care about their patients, which IS a big part of their job. And what happens on a day that a "good" doctor decides to quit? Does that mean she's not a good person now because she's not being a doctor? What if she decides she decides to quit, and do something else completely unrelated to the medical profession, that doesn't pay well? That's part time, maybe in a warehouse? Maybe as a greenhouse worker? And yes, this DOES happen, it's not "made up" or "far fetched".

There are doctors who got their medical license by cheating, and who don't actually know what they're doing. So how would you know that? You wouldn't. You would just see their degree on the wall and the stethoscope around their neck. Is this doctor a "fine upstanding citizen" now, because he has a medical degree on his wall and the title of MD?

There are nurses who are very good at their jobs, respecting each patient and double-checking themselves. And then there are nurses who are only in it for the paycheck and to look like a responsible person so everyone treats them good, but they don't care much about their patients or their jobs.

There are stockbrokers who are honest, caring, forthright people, and there are stockbrokers who lie and cheat and steal.

There are clergy people who genuinely care about their parishioners and about conveying their spirituality, and there are clergy who just want the reputation and the prestige they think comes with the collar, and the right they think they'll get to boss people around. There are even some who are complete cons who are only in it for money for themselves.

There are people who don't have jobs, who are content to live on what they already have, helping others when they can, or not, choosing to experience life. It's ACTUALLY no one else's business.

~ No, it's really not.

There are people who don't seem to have a regular job, who do a lot more than people who DO have "regular" jobs, they just don't have time, the desire, or the ego to boast about everything they do.

There are people who clean toilets for a living who are wiser and smarter than most of the people who make six figures.

There are people who make six figures who are the "salt of the earth", and they may work in the same office and have to deal with the meanest person they ever met, who make the same as they do, but do a terrible job.

There are even homeless people with IQs that are 50 points higher than most; we may not understand what they're doing, but that's just because we're not smart enough to comprehend it
It's none of our business what a person's job is, and it's none of our business to judge them for their job, for good or for ill.

What others do during their day is none of our business, unless it's something that's causing danger and damage to people. Is a person causing damage or harm to anyone? Honestly? Then who's business is it what they do with their time, or what job they have or don't have?
It's not anyone's, certainly not mine, certainly not yours, not their neighbor's, their cousin's, their nephew's, their former teacher's, the bank teller's, the local hardware store owner's, or their former classmates'.

The desire to judge people negatively or positively for their job, their clothes, their car and their income, and put their activities under a magnifying glass has become an epidemic in Western Society. The reason for it is, unfortunately, FEAR. People magnify and judge others negatively because they're AFRAID of being the next person under someone else's scrutiny, and they judge others positively because THEY want to be judged positively by others under that same magnifying glass.. It's as simple as that.
(Ironically, many of those doing the judging have not worked a truly hard day at a difficult job in their lives. That's projection and diversion; they don't want the magnifying glass to fall on them and see how easy they've had it, so they're pointing at someone else...'look at them, don't look at me!")

So the next time we look down on someone for their job, or their lack of a job, or put someone on a high pedestal for their job, we can look at ourselves next, and ask ourselves why WE feel like we're being judged.