
Narcissist Injury: Humiliation

When a TARGET of a Narcissist does not ALLOW the N. to project inferiority onto them, (treat them like they're less experienced, less intelligent, weaker, less cool, less responsible, less skilled, less deserving of respect), a Narcissist will become ANGRY and INSULTED. This is "Narcissistic Injury", because it's an "insult" to the ego and image the N. is trying create of themselves.

The closest universal thing to Narcissist Injury that most of us may relate with is the time during adolescence when we're trying to build our identities separate from our parents, and our parents treat us like little children in front of our peers. They're ruining our "image" and squishing the perfectly normal, very delicate ego of the adolescent human. They're treating us like the "little kid" version of ourselves, when we want to FEEL LIKE and BE SEEN AS "Grown Up" or "Independent". Narcissists want to be SEEN AS and FEEL LIKE they're a SUPERIOR BEING, so when a person does not allow their disrespectful treatment implying inferiority, the Narcissist feels HUMILIATED, frustrated, blocked, sabotaged, challenged, controlled, and enraged.