
Entitlement And "Shutting Others Down"

A rather common Control behavior that can be seen in many humans is trying to "shut others down" when they don't agree with them, don't like them, or don't like whatever the person is talking about.

The feeling of ENTITLEMENT regarding "shutting others down" is also, unfortunately, pretty common, and is often passed down in family or community culture.

Those who desire control and power often seek this feeling of entitlement. The desire is about having some kind of title, position, rank, or image that supposedly gives them some kind of "natural authority" to tell others what they can or can't talk about, what they can or can't feel, think, EXPRESS, or do.

It is of course very common for anyone with BULLY behaviors to seek some kind of power or authority entitlement, for more than one reason:
Number one, just because they get off on bossing other people around, and get a charge out of successfully intimidating, herding, controlling, or shushing other people.
Number two, they desire some kind of way to shut people down who talk about the bullying itself.

Some "bullies" are the way they are because they learned it from others, usually other members of their family, like one of their parents, but they can also learn it from others outside of their immediate family.

Some "bullies" act that way because they've internalized their defensiveness from BEING A TARGET of a bully, again often a family member, like one of their parents, or others outside the immediate family.

Some "bullies" might have been born with more of a desire for 'domination' than the average human  and were not successfully guided about it as they grew up. Most animals including humans are born with domination-compulsion and behaviors, (both males and females, regardless of ancestry or body type), but humans especially have the capability to guide and teach their offspring about behaving fairly and politely toward others, and not following their "instinct" to bully.
The lack of this guidance is often seen in families and communities where members create little 'hierarchies' among themselves.
Many will actually model and teach offspring that bullying and domination behavior is "OKAY" for SOME members of the group, but "SHAMEFUL" for others; voila, instant "hierarchy"; bullies feeling no shame in their behavior, and so do it all the time, even get a feeling of confidence or superiority from it, and those who are getting bullied feeling shame simply for standing up to those who are always trying to 'dominate' them.