
Simple Truth About Rejection By A Narcissist

Narcissists don't reject people because they actually did something wrong, like attack someone, slander someone, steal, lie, sabotage, endanger children, or be mean.

They reject people because the person didn't agree with them, comply with their demands, stroke their ego, let them be the superior one, give them what they want, or because they didn't fit in with their clique.

It's important to be aware of Narcissism because those who have it aren't trustworthy, and tend to manipulate and abuse. They are quick to envy and have a lack of empathy for others; they tend to lack a moral compass, and will hurt others to get what they want. They tend to sabotage others who they envy, they tend to use threats, to bully, gossip, lie, avoid responsibility, cheat, steal, con, and they tend to enjoy humiliating others and trying to destroy their reputations. Narcissists can't stand to help others, except in cases where they see a reward in it for themselves. They will do things that others would never think of doing in order to get something they want, to be in control of a situation, another person, or another person's possessions, and to maintain a certain image.