
Love God, Love The People God Made

If a person believes in God, especially 'God of Abraham', then he or she believes that God created humans and life, and that's regardless of whether they link it to Evolution or not.
Whether God created evolution and made humans appear that way, or if God made each creature out of the Earth, it's still about God doing the creating, and having the intention. The process would be beyond human understanding anyway if it was God doing it.

Aside from how God "really" did it, which we could never understand anyway even if we saw it for ourselves with our own eyes, the bigger point is the fact that God created humans.

Obviously if you don't believe in God, you're only reading this for your own personal reasons, so going off on a tangent about whether God exists or not is way off topic and moot.

But for those who are believers in God the Creator:

God created every person, every single individual person, and God did it with purpose and intention, because God does everything with purpose and intention. 

What does that mean for one of the people God created?
It means that you were created on purpose, because God wanted to, and intended to.
It means that every person you meet was created on purpose, by God.
It means that every person who's writings you read was created on purpose, by God.

It means every person you like, love, or admire was created on purpose, by God.

It means every person you don't like, despise, or are bigoted against, or disrespect, or disdain, or judge... was created ON PURPOSE, BY GOD.

Every person ever living was created on purpose by God.

If they squandered their precious gift of Free Will and became controlling, abusive, criminal, violent, oppressive, and greedy, that wasn't God, that was their own choice.

If they had "special needs" when they were born, or developed them after birth, we can rest assured that God intended for the people around them to voluntarily and willingly care for them with great effort and joy, cooperatively with one another, since they are God's creation.

If God created human beings, then God created human beings. There's no "well.... God created me, because I'm so cool and great and innocent and wonderful... but I'm not so sure about that other person over there..." No human will ever understand God's intentions or plans, there is no code that can "break it", that's just silly, if God exists, God is conscious and alive, not a giant computer or a physics equation, or a hidden code.

If God created human beings, then God created human beings, ALL human beings.

So, I wonder what God thinks when someone hurts one of these purposeful Creations?
When someone disrespects one of these Creations?
When someone rejects or abandons one of these Creations?
When someone is cruel, judgmental, controlling, mean, or violent toward one of these Creations?
When someone is arrogant, oppressive, and superior toward one of these Creations?

No human stands between God and one of his Creations; each is directly connected and watched by God.

God created each and every human; no human created other humans.

So if one tries to put themselves in such a position, they might want to think about the consequences of trying to overshadow and block the connection between God and one of God's purposefully intended Creations.

~M.B. 2014