
Using Aggression To "Get Things Done"

A habit of using aggression, hostility, threats, and dramatic displays does NOT "get things done" unless you're dealing with other people who are also drama kings and queens and control freaks with entitlement issues. Those people are disordered or mentally ill, that's why they only respond to fear of aggressive or larger people, or male voices.

If you treat a respectful, intelligent person with HISTRIONICS and MONKEY DOMINATION DISPLAYS in order to "get them to do what you need them to do", or to "make them respect you", all that's going to 'get done" is that you are going to lose their respect, they will STOP taking you seriously. Probably avoid you as much as possible. Go act like a Silverback Gorilla with the other gorillas, but you're a fool if you're a grown adult acting like a hostile 'tough" MONKEY at actual thinking human beings. It doesn't make you look tough or bad-ass, it just makes you look like you have some kind of issue.