
Narcissists, Sociopaths, And Animals

Red flag for Narcissism and psychopathy:
How a person perceives and treats animals. Narcissists who are not sociopaths often treat animals like objects that they own, either doting on them as extensions of themselves, badges of importance, or status possessions, or projecting all kinds of personal motives, agendas, weaknesses, and emotions on them, and treating them like scapegoats or punching bags. Narcissists often "despise" certain kinds of animals but "greatly prefer" others, and believe that their preferences represent objective fact ("I can't stand cats because cats ARE annoying..." not "I find myself annoyed when I'm around cats".)
They are often dramatic about both their favoritism for certain animals and their disdain for other specific animals.

Sociopaths with Narcissism are on a spectrum, obviously with depravity being on the severe end, but on the more common end, they will have seem to have no qualms about an animal getting hurt or killed, even if it's someone's pet. Even if it's their own pet. They see animals more as things that happen to move and eat on their own, not so much "living creatures". This includes larger or smaller living things, from whales to brine shrimp and everything in between.

Many Narcissists and especially sociopath N's see animals as being in competition with them for dominance, territory, importance, resources, or attention, admiration, or affection from other people. This can be either on a larger scale such as "in the wild", or on a personal scale such as in the home.

Many also see animals as simply a resource for their own gain, such as animals they hunt for their fur.

One must understand that there is literally an absence of "empathy" in their brain, and a lack of cognitive ability as well. They CAN'T comprehend natural balances and cycles intellectually on a scientific basis, nor are they able to feel or understand the preciousness of life itself on either a scientific or a spiritual basis.

They also often project their own emotions and motives onto animals that they hunt, (Moby Dick), OR see them as being completely devoid of anything that resembles a  "self", and therefore use that as validation for hurting or killing them.

It's not "Narcissism" or "Psychosis" for humans to eat meat, biologically humans are omnivores and require very large amounts of calories just for the huge brain function alone, it's not abnormal for humans to eat meat. What IS NOT normal is not having care or respect for animals that are killed for food, nor caring about the numbers of animals that are killed, or the way they are killed.
It's also not "normal" to kill or eat animals that are pets or types of pets in a given culture, or to harm animals that another person does not want harmed. That's about dominance and contempt toward other humans by way of harming animals they care about.  

Narcissists whether they're pet owners or caretakers often opt to "put an animal down" INSTEAD OF something else when they have a problem with an animal; this is about control, dominance, and possession.

It's also not "normal" to harm animals that are known to have higher intelligence; that's about severe dominance, control, and narcissism.

Obviously harming animals (or humans) just for the sake of harming them is NEVER, EVER "normal". Many human children do this during childhood, but non-sociopaths learn that it's wrong, and why, and most of them learn it on their own after they've harmed an animal or insects. By the time a child reaches puberty he or she should know internally why harming for the sake of harming is wrong.

Several species have been completely wiped out by groups of humans led by Narcissists and sociopaths throughout human history, and it still happens today.