
Objective Observation And Healthy Boundaries

"Healthy boundaries" and having "objectivity" means that one can observe virtually anything from a detached point of view, (as opposed to attached), without taking "sides", without casting judgment, without seeking to be right or someone else to be wrong, just seeing what's there.

There is no "right" or "wrong" when one looks at a shoe box. It's just a shoe box.

If one has traumatic memories regarding a shoebox, then one may have negative feelings toward any random shoebox.
If one inserts speculation about how the shoebox was made, or whether it was made in a sweatshop, or whether using trees to make cardboard is wrong, or if they think sweatshops are wrong, then they aren't observing the shoebox anymore, they are interjecting speculation, judgment, politics, their own version of morality, and their own opinion.
If I open the shoebox and there's a dead mouse inside, then I will have a harder time keeping judgment out of my observation of the shoebox, I'll be angry that some human closed an animal up in the box and let it die. So I won't be objective anymore, and my ability to observe and understand will be much less clear.

I would need to "regroup" and deal with my feelings in order to regain objectivity.

If I want to find out who did it, then I had better really regain my objectivity, because I will be prone to thinking of a person who I want to blame for it BEFORE I actually find out any real information, and that WILL direct my thought process, I will be more likely to try to find evidence that the person I want to blame is guilty, instead of actually finding out what really happened.

Objectivity is very difficult for humans in general, which is why "scientific method" was created.
It's harder for some than others.
The more ego injury or inflation a person is dealing with, the harder it is for them to be objective.
The harder it is for them to listen to or view information that they don't BELIEVE IN personally, that they don't identify with personally.
(If it doesn't make them feel good, they'll argue about it.)

The more objectively one is able to view and observe things, events, situations, and people around them, the less they try to lay blame, cast shame, control, create "sides", argue, or feel resentment, favoritism, or FEAR.

And therefore the clearer they can observe, the more information they can take in and comprehend, the easier they can hear information and gather information, and the easier it is to choose their actions consciously, instead of reacting emotionally.