
Relationships: Supportive Or Sabotaging?

Questions to ask one's self:

Do I support, help, or align with the goals, endeavors, and dreams of my partner? Of my children? Of other family members? Of my close friends?

Or do I ignore them, invalidate them, criticize them, or try to block them so I can be in control?

Is my partner, or are other family members or close friends supportive of my goals, endeavors, and dreams?
Or do they ignore me, criticize me, invalidate me, sabotage me, try to block me, or try to control?

When I have an idea, a plan, or a goal, do they take it seriously?
Do they ever go along with my ideas or plans?
Do they follow through when they say they'll help or support?
Do they support me, or NOT support me?

How do I behave toward them when they have an idea, plan or goal?

How do they treat me when I have a problem or issue?
How do I treat them?
Is there support, understanding, care, or compassion?
Or is there instead criticism, belittling, blame, defensiveness, countering, or attack?

"It's an awesome feeling when someone has your back."
~L. Concidine