
Belief And Reality

Post by Reality Is Beautiful.

This is why we don't want to hear someone's point of view that's different from our own.
Why we want all dogs to be boys and all cats to be girls.
Why we want to keep living in biases that we grew up with.
Why we think we're right and those OTHER PEOPLE are wrong.
Why we think OUR TEAM is the BEST TEAM.
Why we want it to be TRUE that all boys and men are a certain way, that all of them can or can't do certain things.
Why we want it to be TRUE that all girls and women are a certain way, and that all of them can or can't do certain things.
Why we think we can't learn certain things because of our sex, our age, or our ancestry.
Why we argue with people when we don't know factual information.
Why we tend to know so little about the environment we live in, and are perfectly fine with that.
Why we think we know SO MUCH about other people, when we really barely know anything at all.

INFORMATION that does not align with our BELIEFS or EMOTIONS doesn't FEEL GOOD, so we avoid learning about it, and tend to turn away from it, or even pretend it doesn't EXIST.
We're humans, that's how we are, even those who work in fields such as science and journalism.