
Bully Entitlement?

Being unkind to the "pretty girl" isn't any different than being unkind to the "ugly girl".

Being unkind, rude, dismissive, hostile, mean to the

"Poor Person"
"Fat Girl or Boy"
"Physically Disabled Person"
"Special Needs Kid"
"Short Person"
"Tall Person"
"Blond or Red Haired Person"
"Rich Person"
"Dark Skinned Person"
"Light Skinned Person"
"Female Person"
"Male Person"
"Dumb Person"
"Smart Person"
"Mentally Ill Person"
"Homosexual Person"
"Heterosexual Person"
"Ugly Person"
"Beautiful Person"
"Large Chested Woman"
"Small Chested Woman"
etc, etc, etc,
reflects what is inside of US, not them.

It is all the same behavior, and it all comes from US, not THEM.

No matter what we have JUDGED the other person to be, in order to make ourselves feel better, the fact remains that we choose how we treat others. The labels we put on others are not what drives our behavior toward them. WE are choosing our behavior, attempting to control others with the way we treat them.

The important part of the sentence is not "disabled person" or "beautiful woman".
It is "Being unkind, rude, dismissive, hostile, mean to the"...

Replace it with "Being kind, courteous, respectful, honestly fair and polite to the"...

When we practice this all the time, to everyone we interact with, then we can finally get to know others as the real human beings they are.