
Parenting Today

Yeah so how are good parents supposed to keep it together when everyone around them is pulling their kids apart? There's only one or two people a kid has for parents. If both are not in it with both feet, as in spiritually, mentally, emotionally, not just financially, and support each other; if one undermines the other and wants to gain power and respect over the other one by diminishing the other..parent in the child's eyes, then you don't even have one full parent.The disrespectful one is the one who tries to turn the kid against the other one; now the kid has no one he or she can respect.

So then what? Who does the kid listen to then? There is a whole globe of humans who hate, hate, hate, and they are the loudest monkeys, the ones who the kids will hear first and most often. The ones who the kids will learn from. The kid is not going to hear the polite, intelligent teacher who respects both genders equally and lives life with integrity. The kid is going to hear the disrespectful jerk teacher who favors certain kids over others, and blatantly makes harmful gestures and noises to the kids he harbors prejudice against. Or the teacher who makes light of doing drugs or committing crime. Or the coach who trashes the opposite sex in order to "motivate" the players. Or the cop who acts and talks like a street thug. Or the "cool Aunt/Uncle/Friend" who GIVES a kid alcohol or drugs. Or the pastor who incites people to hate and attack instead of seek peace. Or the community leader who treats people like they are stupid.

Kids are children, they learn from every single person they come across, and they don't know why adults do what they do, they just know that they are being accepted as adults anyway for whatever they do, even if it's ridiculously wrong. So if that's what you do to be a "man", learn to walk and talk like a thug or a politician, act superior to women, make fun of people, don't take anything seriously except for thug stuff; avoid doing anything at all that wrecks you Tough guy image; or if that's what you do to be a "woman", be mean to other women and try to hurt them, act submissive and dumb to men and try to get their attention and approval, learn to walk and talk like either a thug or a valley girl, don't take anything seriously except for "chick" stuff, make yourself into Mother Superior toward other women as another way to dominate them, avoid doing anything at all that wrecks your Girl Image, well then that's what they will probably do, because they learned it all by watching.