
Point Of View

If we see two people arguing, most of us take the side of the person we identify with. We identify with them for various reasons; maybe the talk like us, look like us, or remind us of someone we like. Maybe they are the same gender or the same race. Maybe they belong to the same political party, or the same club, or have similar interests. Maybe they like something that we like, or express an opinion that we agree with.

Taking sides is common, but it means we have decided that we will hear only one point of view, as if the person we have chosen is "right", and the other is "wrong", across the board. We no longer hear each person objectively. We stop hearing what each person is actually saying, and we back the PERSON instead of the actual discussion points. We are against the other PERSON and therefore dismiss and oppose everything they say, and again do not hear any of the actual discussion points.