
Relationship Choices

When we decide to join with someone in friendship, companionship, who has set themselves on a path of healing, discovery, or enlightenment, we are making this choice with our eyes wide open. This means respecting their journey, their choices, the direction they walk, the things they are doing, learning, and sharing. We are not entering into a leader-follower relationship. We do not get to tell them what they should or should not be doing, or talking about, or where they should go or not go. If we can not respect their path and are compelled to control them, argue with them, put them down, try to get them to stop learning, sharing, and doing what they do, then we need to simply leave them be.
All friendship and companionship is a choice, there is no one in our lives whom we are entitled to treat with less respect than another. (And we wouldn't want to, unless we are wrapped up in trying to prove ourselves Greater than another.)