
All Narcissists Are Men~?

Once and for all, when someone is talking about "Narcissism" or "Abusers" they are not referring to MALES. Unless the speaker or writer is specifically talking about a male Narcissist or Abuser, assuming that they are referring to MALES just by using the word "Narcissist" or "Abuser" makes no sense. That's like assuming a person is talking about Caucasians every time the word "Racist" is used, or referring to Asians every time the word Genius is used.

No one who has the slightest grasp of Narcissism or abuse believes for a millisecond that it's a "male only" trait or behavior. If you read something that seems biased for one sex or the other, that's THAT ARTICLE. Unless the writer actually says "Narcissists and abusers are male", then he or she is probably NOT saying that! And if he or she IS saying that, then move on! Don't read it! Don't take it seriously!

Writers who project ANY human traits onto either only females or only males obviously has personal bias issues and probably should not be taken seriously, at least while they are apparently writing from that bias. YOU have the ability to discern what you read. Stop assuming that every male writer and speaker is anti-female, and that every female writer and speaker is anti-male. When you open your eyes, you'll be amazed at what you see.