
Why Don't They Seem To Want You To Be Successful?

Narcissists do not want their target to receive respect, recognition, or admiration from others. Positive attention from others toward the target is a threat to the oppressive hold the Narcissist is trying to keep over the target, It is a threat to their control, and also a threat to their ego; the Narcissist needs the target to remain at a "lower status" so that there will always be someone they can feel superior to. When others "SEE" the target and treat them like a REAL PERSON in the larger world, the target could realize that they have many more options and avenues in their life, and supporters who are actually nice to them to boot. So preventing the target from achieving accomplishment and success is tantamount to the Narcissist's ability to keep control over them. Also, if the target has supporters, those supporters may be able to see the Narcissist's control tactics, and that is a serious threat to the Narcissist's entire way of life and reputation.

The easiest way to prevent a target from achievement, success, and recognition is to make them believe that they CAN'T achieve it in the first place, that they aren't capable, smart enough, wealthy enough, mentally stable enough, attractive enough, or well liked enough. If the Narcissist can sabotage the target from even TRYING to achieve their goal, or cause enough chaos and pain to make them DROP their efforts, then they have achieved their own goal.

This behavior can be seen in every kind of human relationship there is, from teacher and student to employer and employee, parents and children, siblings, partners, "friends", to a larger scale such as governments and citizens, businesses and customers, between sexes, and between races.