

Most people are ten times more likely to reject another person because of "personality conflict" than because of actual wrong-doing. Humans will single out another person who simply doesn't "rub them the right way", but who is actually trustworthy, honest, straightforward and kind. However they will keep connections with another person who compliments their ego and is "easy to get along with" (for them), regardless of what they actually DO. Basically, most humans will keep their connections with backstabbers, liars, criminals, manipulators, abusers, and control freaks, as long as they don't do anything that feels like it pokes at their OWN ego, or as long as they do all those things to someone ELSE (even in their own family or friendship circle). But they'll reject (and often even slander) an honest person with strong values in a heartbeat the moment they don't go along with them.
WHY? Because of their perceived threat to their ego and agenda. An honest person with strong values might see through all the smoke and mirrors.