
Why We Listen To One Person But Not Another

During childhood, we develop a "feeling" of who is who, and this feeling stays with us. We choose early which kind of people are leaders, and which kind of people are care-givers. Some of us also think of certain kinds of people as smarter, as dumber, as "expert" and more capable, and as "ignorant" and less capable. What we decide in our youths, we internalize and believe as the "way the world is".

We don't remember anything about the process, because we were kids.

So we don't remember the teachers letting certain girls make fun of the boys in first grade, and that our young minds decided that "girls are mean and don't get in trouble for it".
We don't remember that certain boys bullied the girls every day in second grade, and our young minds decided that "boys are bullies and don't get in trouble for it".
We don't connect that time in third grade when three brothers ambushed us and beat us up to the way we give "extra respect" to men who act "tough". (We think it's respect, but it's really fear from a suppressed memory.)
We don't remember that some adults around us were always making racial slurs, or putting those of a different color down, and that's the reason we see those of a different race in a negative light.
We don't remember adults separating children by gender, and we don't connect the adults making insulting remarks about one sex or the other with our own prejudices.
We don't remember that everyone listened whenever one person spoke, but ignored, argued, or rudely interrupted whenever another person spoke, which shaped our perception of "who to listen to" and "who to ignore".
We forgot about how when one person made jokes, everyone giggled and laughed, even if it wasn't funny or they didn't get it, just to fit in and be accepted as one of the gang. We don't connect that this imprinted in our subconscious "Who Is Allowed To Be Funny".
We don't remember that adults PURPOSELY taught certain kids how to do certain things, and didn't ALLOW other kids to participate in learning, doing, or practicing those things. We end up believing that some people are NATURALLY capable of this or that, and NATURALLY INCAPABLE of this or that, instead of remembering that it was all ORCHESTRATED.

We even think we ourselves are incapable of many things because of our childhood experiences and "training".
This is how conditioning works. Some of it is done on purpose, some of it is done inadvertently because of the conditioning that older people already went through. All of it could be healed if people wanted to heal it, but many want to stay in their illusion because they're used to it, or because they see it as giving them power. What it really does is cripples the human spirit, halting true progress and peace.