
Hold Me Closer

tiny dancer


An interesting discussion with a friend stirred more speculation on the nature of dreams. What are they, what causes them, are they one thing, or many?

In 1986, I woke from a dream that made a profound impression on me. Upon waking I had the feeling that I was a witness to a page in my own book, like a time traveler watching a moment from their own life. The dream had nothing familiar in it except for myself, it was not related to a previous experience. So I carried the mystery around for a little while, wondering if I would ever find out what it was about; I didn't assume anything. Only later did I come to an idea of what it might have represented, but I don't know for sure.

At the time of the dream, April 1986, I did not have a driver's license. So a driving dream was not a regular occurrence, in fact I don't recall ever having a driving dream before this one.
It was a magnificent day, the sun was golden, the trees were gorgeous, tall and green, and the air was infused with the fragrance of summer. I was in the drivers seat of a red Volkswagen Beetle, I am not sure of the year, but it was an older one. I was driving for a while, down a country road, enraptured in the beauty of the day. One thing was strange, however; I was not in New England. I was somewhere else, somewhere further South, somewhere I had never been. Not the deep South, and not Pennsylvania. A place where there were still miles of undeveloped country, and rivers and lakes. My hair was long and blond, as it was at the time, and I was beginning to feel a bit heated from the sun on my head. Then something began to change; slowly I felt myself moving from myself. I don't have the words to describe it properly. I was moving from the driver's seat into the passenger seat, but I was still in the driver's seat. As if I were split into two beings. Two physical manifestations of my Self. I did not initiate it, it was something that just happened, in the dream. I could feel the transformation happen. It was not physically painful, but it did feel like a separation. Then I was in the passenger seat, and the person driving was, for lack of a better description, a male opposite of me. His hair was long and blond as well, sun bleached, and he had darker eyelashes and eyebrows. He smiled, I smiled, and all was still sunny and beautiful, the day was even more magnificent than before. All was as it should be.
"All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well." ~Julian of Norwich 

And we drove down that country road until I awoke.

I'm still waiting to find out.
I do love a good mystery.

Apache Blessing

"May the sun bring you new energy by day,
May the moon softly restore you by night,
May the rain wash away your worries,
May the breeze blow new strength into your being.
May you walk through the world and know its beauty all the days of your life.”

thanks to RYS

The Only Way Out

Is Expression

Music Makers

"Because I cannot sleep
I make music at night.
I am troubled by the one
whose face has the color of spring flowers.
I have neither sleep nor patience,
neither a good reputation nor disgrace.
A thousand robes of wisdom are gone.
All my good manners have moved a thousand miles away.
The heart and the mind are left angry with each other.
The stars and the moon are envious of each other.
Because of this alienation the physical universe
is getting tighter and tighter.
The moon says, "How long will I remain
suspended without a sun?"
Without Love's jewel inside of me,
let the bazaar of my existence be destroyed stone by stone.
O Love, You who have been called by a thousand names,
You who know how to pour the wine
into the chalice of the body,
You who give culture to a thousand cultures,
You who are faceless but have a thousand faces,
O Love, You who shape the faces
of Turks, Europeans, and Zanzibaris,
give me a glass from Your bottle,
or a handful of being from Your Branch.
Remove the cork once more.
Then we'll see a thousand chiefs prostrate themselves,
and a circle of ecstatic troubadours will play.
Then the addict will be freed of craving.
and will be resurrected,
and stand in awe till Judgement Day."



Chasing a possibility of love is all some really want to do; once they catch it they don't know what to do with it. That rabbit is going to either run away for good or die of starvation. Need to find greener clovers.

Could Really

Use A Hug.

Modern Romance

I have been giving serious consideration to romantic relationships recently. Is it really worth it, to be with someone who you become one with, only to experience their family drama, your family drama, their issues, your issues, plus the struggle with life in general? If the relationship you're in isn't one of utmost maturity and mutual support, and your partner is truly non-judgmental and honestly loves you, it is only another obstacle to deal with; one more person causing you doubt and pain. The love that we long for and hope for, the eternal bond with another soul, or your other half, just turns into contempt in this modern society. His friends get jealous of you and they tell him that he's whipped so he'll feel ashamed of wanting to be with you, then he blows you off for his "friends", then you feel betrayed and abandoned, then his friends call you psycho when you express your anger about it, then your friends call him a jerk, and then both sets of friends try to set each of you up with another person just to blow your relationship apart, and the kids suffer through the whole thing. Or other women try to get his attention and he falls for it, and when you feel betrayed he treats you like you're the one who did something wrong. Or he simply gets off on checking out women as if they weren't people but things to use for his entertainment, and you should just "deal with it cuz that's how guys are"... (Intense eye-roll). If that's how guys are I don't want one; I don't have a ferret because they can't control their odor glands, that's how they are. Funny how the ones who insist on male superiority are also the ones who insist that they can't help their inferior behavior. Females who are like that are the same way. Monkeys and more monkeys; monkeys can't handle relationships, they can't even be courteous to strangers for five seconds in a store, they don't respect each other, and they don't understand the sanctity of fidelity. Sad, but completely true. It's nearly impossible to find a non-monkey to pair-bond with in this sleazy, contemptuous excuse for a society. I am glad to know some non-monkeys, but they are few and far between. Good night and good luck with that whole relationship thing.

Wrong again, I could be wrong again~

Who's that conscience sticking on the sole of my shoe? Cuz it sure don't feel like love~

Absorbing All The Sunshine

After you have learned to accept the warmth of the sun on your face, as you allow yourself to become one with the universe, while you invite the all into your being and follow wherever it leads, there is one more thing to remember; the ones who love you are waiting for you to take their hand and invite them to walk with you.

We are all one - Somos todos UM [legendas port-br]

This is about being a part of Earth vs. using it~

Mahatma Gandhi

“Whenever you have truth it must be given with love, or the message and the messenger will be rejected”

The message below was written with love, I swear~

Love me, love me not

I don't know about men, but women feel loved when they feel wanted and accepted, when they know they will be cared for and heard, stood up for against enemies and injustice, and embraced as an important piece in someone's life.

Let Go

If you don't let go of your regrets you will not be able to see what is right in front of you. You have been seeking all of your life but you do not know that you have found what you have been seeking because you are looking backwards.
Be still.
Look down.


"We need to identify standards that are meaningful rather than those imposed by others. To discard old boundaries or limitations for new ones is a stage of self-regulation by which one identifies the principles to live by."
~"Diary of a Broken Soul": Emperor 

August Fire

Strike with your terrible beauty,
swathing great arcs in the air so close to my cheek
I can feel the cold silver of your razor gaze
piercing this lingering malaise.
Over the ladder back chair
the coats are folded into one another,
draped black on black, dark spirit lovers
languishing between the covers.
Silence waits for your murmur.

~M. Black

(Dorian~ we were writing at the same time~ I didn't see your post until after :)


Know the difference between loving and owning~
love watches for reasons to admire and embrace;
ownership watches for reasons to admonish and reject.


"When you meet someone who has lost everything, remember that it means they had the courage to risk everything."

Why does God permit evil?

This looks like an interesting read~

Why does God permit evil?

The book is farther down on the page ^

Choices? Meanings, names~

"Grace works most effectively through precisely the kinds of choices that take the most courage but perhaps makes the least sense, because these are the choices that demand the most of your soul." ~Caroline Myss
Marianne means: "Grace" and "Star of the sea
Thomas means: "Twin

Music Lady

Great open mic at the Music Lady last night, I enjoyed singing with y'all, hope to do it again soon!

Stay, Summer, Stay~

How poor are they who have not patience! What wound did ever heal but by degrees. 
~William Shakespeare 

Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night

We all end up back at the starting line, so why is a raven like a writing desk?

~~εїз → ♫ → ❤ → ♀→∞←♂ ← ❤ ← ♫ ← εїз~~

This is love: 
to fly toward a secret sky, 
to cause a hundred veils to fall each moment. 
First to let go of life. Finally, to take a step without feet.


Cool Change - Little River Band (lyrics)

This Is Me
Thank You God For This Song
Thank You Little River Band,
Thank You disturbedangel0522 for this video

Isn't she lovely~

Just in case we were wondering...

apparently she actually IS the cutest dog in the world~

Personally I think she's doing it on purpose...


Go Forward

There is never any limit to God's power. You go step by step, one day at a time. God's will shall be revealed to you as you go forward.

Blue Notes

Bend it John :)

In The Cahds


You chose life on earth
to gather experiences.
To gather experiences means also
to accept changes gratefully.

Be flexible!

For Granted

“Money, it turned out, was exactly like sex, you thought of nothing else if you didn't have it and thought of other things if you did.”
~James Arthur Baldwin


“Change is the constant, the signal for rebirth, 
the egg of the phoenix” 

~Christina Baldwin

Proof Of Value

If I have to sing to gain someone's approval of me, then I don't want them to hear me sing unless they are paying me for it!

"True friends, true loves, aren't waiting for you to prove your worth, they love you the same whether you sing or not. Only those who don't care about you are looking to see how much you are worth to them."


“Indecision is like a stepchild: if he does not wash his hands, he is called dirty, if he does, he is wasting water.”
 African Proverb

Believe, Remember To Believe~

When you have come to the edge Of all light that you know
And are about to drop off into the darkness 
Of the unknown, 
Faith is knowing One of two things will happen: 
There will be something solid to stand on 
You will be taught to fly”

 Patrick Overton 

♫ ⊕ ♬

Dirty Jokes


Two white horses fell into the mud.

Three came out.


"A full and thankful heart cannot entertain great conceits. When brimming with gratitude, one's heartbeat must surely result in outgoing Love."

You Can Find Me Where The Wind Blows~

The snow across the pain

and the frost upon the heart

(Me on Promised Land Lake)


Why do I feel like I slept on the floor last night..?


Not giving up after all of these "lifetimes" has been the hardest struggle of all.


It's not the daily increase but daily decrease. Hack away at the unessential.
Bruce Lee

Teach Your Parents Well ... by Graham Nash*

There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child.  There are seven million. 

~Walt Streightiff 

*by Nash... :)


Animal totems are an interesting thing, we do not always get what we want as a totem. Having more than one is the usual thing. My Native American birth totem that's aligned with the zodiac is the Wolf. (Mohawk in my ancestry.) You find your totems through experiences, both spiritual and mundane, animals will cross your path or appear in your life and your dreams, and you can seek your totem through ceremony and meditation as well. I always knew about my Wolf totem throughout my life, before I looked it up, and it was easy to accept because, hey, wolves are really cool! The Owl has also been ever-present in my life, also an easy-to-accept totem, so majestic and beautiful, wise and mysterious, powerful and stealth. Identifying with Owl is lovely. I love turtles very much also, they have been in my life not just crossing my path but in my house, my yard, whether I am looking for them or not, they exist in my life. So I accepted them as well, even though they're not so "cool", and there is a quite a lot to learn from them.
I have dismissed my personal totem for years, ignoring it, telling myself it's just a coincidence, there is nothing significant about an obnoxious black bird with a huge beak. Dismissing it like an annoying relative, someone you know is attached to you but you don't really want to deal with. In the last half of my life I have slowly come to accept that Raven, not Eagle, not Hawk, not "cool majestic bird that everyone admires" is with me. I don't even know what Raven represents, I have skimmed over Raven's meaning in various texts, and as there is more than one interpretation, I may just wait to ask the Mohawk shaman before I accept it.
So Raven, okay, let's get on with this journey, please forgive my dismissal of your significance, you are actually a magnificent, powerful creature. 

side note: I understand that those who don't believe in Spiritual things will see this post as evidence of eccentricity, get over it  :P  if you are reading this there must be a reason ~ :)


"The sound of a kiss is much softer than that of a canon - but it's echo lasts a great deal longer."


Soul Asylum

Who would break a butterfly on a wheel?
Not me, my precious child
Sweet angel, wrap me in your velvet cloak, my dear
Love's a sweet warm goddess I invited here

So many times I call your name,
So many times I call your name,
Before the night is through
Grant me one last wish
Sweet soul asylum,
An everlasting kiss

Who would crush this woman underfoot?
Ooh, not me, my chosen one

Sweet angel, wrap me in your velvet cloak, my dear
Love's a sweet warm goddess I invited here

So many times I call your name, oh please, baby,
So many times I call your name
Before the night is through
Grant me one last wish
Sweet soul asylum, yeah
An everlasting kiss

Oh oh oh
Takes me far away

So many times I call your name, oh baby, baby, please
So many times I call your name
(Before the night is through)
Before the night is through
(Grant me one last wish)
Oh, grant me one last wish
Sweet soul asylum, yeah
An everlasting kiss

(Before the night is through)
(Grant me one last wish)
Sweet soul asylum, yeah
An everlasting kiss

Sweet soul asylum, yeah
Oh, sweet soul asylum
Sweet soul, yeah
Sweet soul asylum, oh

And the eagle flies with the dove

If you can't be with the one you live, honey, love the one you're with!

Who wrote this, Lucifer?

Doo-doot doot doot doot doot doo-doot!

Integrity isn't "cool" dude yo baby



"Dogs are better than people because they know but don't tell"

Dogs are better than people because they have nothing to hide in the first place.

True freedom ;)

oh yeah and they don't show loyalty and respect to only one gender. Thank God for dogs!


Happiness depends on conditions being perceived as positive. Inner peace does not.
~ E. Tolle


Thanks to all of my artist friends, you have collectively been an excellent support and inspiration. Artists, musicians, photographers, poets, story tellers, bloggers, senders of inspirational quotes and verses (~R~), etc., I am glad to know you and it is a privilege to read, hear and view your work. I am pretty lucky to be acquainted with so many talented people. It's something I guess we take for granted when things are running smoothly in life, but when the clouds roll in the light from your visions makes all the difference. My smartphone (oops, see below) has lent itself to my making a habit of checking to see if you guys posted anything new whenever I need a kind word. Thanks again all of you talented peeples :) you are much appreciated.

Relegated To Stalker Status!

A friend of mine reported to me recently that my IP address showed up 27 times on her boyfriend's web page... instead of asking me why, she accused me of "stalking" him. My response was "what? What?! How!" and then unbridled giggling at the thought of my stalking her boyfriend... sorry sweetie, I couldn't help it~
We couldn't figure out why my IP address showed up, indeed it looked incriminating. Then I asked her to look at her website, and sure enough, it was there too. I said "Now you know the truth, it's both of you, not just him~!" (To you who take my jokes literally, and I know you're out there, that was a joke, I am not actually stalking anyone.) After much perplexity I think I figured out what the problem is~ it is my fault, alas. I have some terrible internet habits, old patterns put in place when there were only yellow-lettered bulletin boards and connections took forever... if you were lucky. Between working and playing with the early versions of Cyberspace, on the Compaq, the 256, the W320, remember Compuserve Forums?  
Remember Eliza?!?
 And of course there are the online games, people who don't play don't understand...So I use the back button A LOT, so what... and I hit refresh every 2 seconds when something doesn't load instantaneously...and instead of opening a new page on my phone I go back and forth between already viewed pages... and yes I am click-hyper, that I will own. If there is a link I have not clicked before, even if it is someone's name and I don't know them, it's a link, it might be important, (and it might lead to treasure, a new shield, or platinum, lol)... Sorry already! :)  Ignore my IP address on your logs, People! If I were to stalk your boyfriend, I think I would at least try to cover my tracks, use a Proxy Server at the very least, give me some credit. I have too much going on to be paying that much attention to other people.

It actually reminds me of a story... (wanna hear it? :)) A long, long time ago... my ex-boyfriend played guitar in a band (shock, I know). I was not in this particular band. I didn't always go to his shows, he played out quite a bit and I was singing in another act. So there was this girl~ she didn't hide her crush on him very well, it cracked me up. To be insecure about it didn't occur to me; if he wanted her instead I assumed he would just be an adult and tell me, and go be with her, that's what grown-ups do, and he acted as if he had no interest in her and was only interested in me, also he said that. I believed him of course. Why wouldn't I?
One night I stopped by the club he was playing at on my way to practice, just to hear him and say hi to whoever I ran into. I didn't stay long, and he didn't see me, he was onstage. Later I said happily to him, "You sounded great!" He replied "What the hell were you doing there?"  I was quite taken aback, why the hell wouldn't I be there? And since when do I need clearance to drop in on my own boyfriend's band, at a club I was familiar with and where there were many friends of mine~ I was confused and upset by his reaction for the longest time. He went into this tirade about how I was "spying" on him and stalking him... ROFL! What an Almond Joy!  So dropping by your boyfriend's gig is "spying"... okay. And dropping by unexpectedly is stalking behavior... Sure... In Paranoia Land down on the Severe Ward, Honey!  I have been stalked, I know what the definition is. It turned out he had been hanging out with aforementioned girl that night, one of her friends let me know a few days later. Why all the drama, as if I were his mother or something, we weren't even married! Go with the girl, please, if he was interested in someone else why would I want him? I was loyal to him and turned down some really nice guys because of it, and the whole time he was full of it, he wanted to hang onto me and rebel against me at the same time...lots of fun for me, let me tell you (get thee to a shrink Oedipus) So basically I was supposed to live my life around his random whims... Uh-huh... That's what everyone does for all their friends, don't they? Especially if you have more than platonic friendship, you should be even more of a mind-reader and a rug... otherwise you are the one who is unstable... yup, sure!

One thing that is true: people with the capacity to do shady things are the most suspicious of others.  My ex-boyfriend would normally have been glad to hear that I was at his show, but he projected his guilt onto me as if I had done the thing that was wrong instead of him. Weird to me how people will flip things to deflect their own guilt or shame, and ruin perfectly good friendships and relationships.
~Of course it does make it easier to sort the Almond Joys from the Mounds... ~:)


Hindsight is when you regret mistakes, but also when you fall on your knees thanking God for removing from your life the very thing you were holding onto that was holding you back from your true path.


"Today I try to use the talents God gave me to benefit others. I try to remember that I no longer work for myself."

~thank you

All the stars

"It was the time before dawn. In the sky rose a shining moon, it rose and stared at me. it hunted me as the hawk hunts its prey, rising with it into the sky . Rising with me into the heavenly spheres, it drew my soul from its human frame. In that sphere of spiritus, I was blind to all but the moon which bore me upwards.."


Good Morning World

Reconnecting after lifetimes apart. Maine is a wonderful place to do it.

What About That?

What do you do if, by the time you find your soulmate/twinflame/mirror... they have been through so much crap that they don't trust the opposite sex anymore, or they seem unglued? What then?

Then you cancel the request and make a new one!


 Next question is: what happens if you find your soulmate/twinflame/mirror, and they have been through so much crap that they don't trust the opposite sex anymore, or they seem unglued, and you cancel the request and make a new request to find your very healthy soulmate/twinflame/mirror who is enthusiastic about the friendship between you, and respects you and your boundaries, and is supportive of you, has your back, and is even keeled and fair minded, and strong within him or her self, and has a great sense of humor and is a wonderful partner? 

Other People's Problems

Be careful of labeling what you don't understand, psychiatric diagnoses are not something to be trifled with. If a person goes to five psychiatrists he or she will get five different opinions. Psychiatry is a new field, science is just scratching the surface; anyone who thinks it's a hard science doesn't know what hard science means. Especially be careful of labeling someone else before you get a work-up done on yourself. The human brain is not a computer, yours included, even those whose IQs are way above average. Your perception of another person is completely colored by your own imperfect brain, your past experiences, your conditioning, your beliefs, even the TV shows you watched. Real psychiatric professionals (good ones) consult with others and do in-depth testing, and refer to research and studies, and consult again, when diagnosing someone, because they are aware that they are subject to their own faulty perceptions and prejudices. Your brain already has an agenda about what you want someone else to be, and if you are not aware of that fact, you will continue to see them as not living up to your personal expectations of them, and labeling them damaged or deficient. Go get yourself diagnosed, see if your own perception is causing you to see them as screwed up. You might the one who needs new glasses.  


Discover who another is; find out what another has seen, what they have learned, what their fears are and their love. Discover, don't assume and expect; don't try to make them fit in the coffin you have made for them. Every expectation of yours they don't meet you will see as failure, and every expectation they exceed you will see as pompousness. You did not create the other, you are not privy to all of the circuitry of their minds, or the soft spots in their hearts, or the map of their souls. Let go of what you think they should be and discover who they are.


Belief in a Source greater than ourselves means accepting that there is something greater than ourselves, and greater than each other.


"A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write... What one can be, one must be."
~Abraham Maslow

Sneakin out the back door~

What's the difference between Duality and Dichotomy, besides that they both begin with "D"? Wait, that would be a similarity, like a pair of shoes that one would wear if they fit. Not that I would notice someone wearing two different shoes.

Pow Wow

Coming back from a Native Pow Wow in Pennsylvania, what a beautiful day with my cousins Adam and Joyce, and company, and puppy dog. Lovely authentic Native regalia worn by the participants; continuous ritual demonstrations, and at the end three Screech Owls were released by a rehabilitator into the wild. More details and pics later, for now I am feeling blessed to have shared such a spiritual experience with people close to my heart.

What ~ what ~

After trying on a zillion silly bathing suits and not finding a single one that I like, or that is made for a human, I have given up. The only place I am going to find one I like is inside my storage unit. Buried. I have also come to the conclusion, after being subjected to three way mirrors for way too long, that I am no longer 15. How does this happen? I was 15 just yesterday~ not sure how to handle this whole linear time thing...


Fabulous! to see more excellent people today, along with excellent junior people; sharing their company is such a blessing. The weather was pure perfection for it, too. And now that they have gone home (long drive), we get to finish off the food! W00t!


Frustration follows those with expectations. Seek enlightenment and true love not just in ivory towers and temples where those who gather have been blessed with a life of university, supportive friends and family, healthy food and worldly success. Instead seek it where you do not expect, in the faces of those you happen to meet, those who have lived in the trenches of life, who have scars on them, who dig in the dirt, who feel your pain, who cry for others. Look for the signs, believe your spirit. Seek it in those who have walked through hellfire alone and still have love in their eyes, wonder in their hearts and laughter in their souls.


Running down the avenue
Or down the dirt and gravel road,
Or up the rutted drive way;
the earth beneath your feet turning.

Speeding like a cannonball,
a short magnum bullet,
a cruise missile,
the sun above your head burning.

Soaring like a Red-tailed Hawk,
a Golden Eagle,
a Peregrine Falcon;
the troposphere through your wings blowing.

Diving like an Orca,
a Barracuda,
a Sailfish;
the sea across your skin flowing.    

Screaming like a Bugatti,
the Maglev train,
an X-15;
the sound around your crown breaking.

Go fast, and faster still, tender legs aching.

Go fast, go quickly.
On your way, out of sight,
out of the brightness of today,
sprinting,charging, into night.

And yet you are still here;
And yes, it is still now.
Whatever path you take, you are still here.
However fast you run,
however fast you fly,
it is still now.



The Very Sun

Shines more brightly when someone believes in you.

She's So~


Important Matters

There are only a few things that matter, Love, Laughter, Compassion, Honesty, Faith, Love and Laughter, in that order, or in any order; the rest are just paths to them.

Horses Horses Horses Horses

A horse walks into a bar.
The bartender says
"Why the long face?"

Oh my dark heart that STILL wrecks me!!!

Happy Birthday

To one of the most important souls to ever touch my life. You have made it to the Great Answer, the Magick Number, and now ye shall Awaken to live the Life you were destined to...
Happy Birthday J R S !!!
Forever Love To You !!!


I am floored, I just heard that a man I used to date is seeing a girl who is literally young enough to be his daughter. I am floored because I completely misjudged him. My first impression of him was "player, child, don't trust" but then I bought into his "humble artist soul" after many conversations. I'm not so upset at him as at my own misjudgment. This world is so full of wolves in sheep's clothing it's a wonder anyone honest finds anyone else the same.

English Magic

"I think a true gardener is a lover of his flowers, not a critic of them.  I think the true gardener is a reverent  servant of Nature, not her truculent. I think the true gardener, the older he grows, should more and more develop a humble, grateful, and uncertain spirit."
~Reginald Farer, In A Yorkshire Garden, 1909

Thank You...

"Twist your head off and remove your brain for the next 2 hrs please."

...for the most sagacious advice!

Horses, Horses,Horses,Horses,

It was a cozy couch night, we have a real working TeeVee here that my Uncle Bill was gracious enough to bring, with a built in VCR. Mom and I had tea and popcorn, and Herr's Corn Curls (the GOOD kind...) and so I finally watched the notorious movie "Sleepless In Seattle". It really IS a touching flick, I don't ever expect filmmakers to get things like that. It was a pleasant surprise. I'm still not sure why Ron Wulff calls me Annie though.


I have enjoyed very much all of the visitors who have come to call. There are not many things better than breaking bread with wonderful, special people. I look forward to hearing the stories and adventures, and sharing the memories. I can't wait till the next time!

...a kiss is but a kiss...a sigh is but a sigh...


Couldn't bring mine, but they have rentals. But you're not allowed to take them where I want to go (always the way...which is why I need mine here...) hmm. Rowboats don't like rocks and branches. So I guess my only real option is to come back here with it. Next question: Will it fit on a Fatboy? (;

The End

T S Eliot

What we call a beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.

NewsFlash: In the future! When a girlfriend says "I don't think this guy is good for me, I don't like the way he is treating me," ... Believe her ! Don't talk her out of dumping the guy because you "understand" him! SHE is the one going out with him, if she feels like something's off, she is probably spot on. Support don't oppose. Now after holding on when she knew to let go, she's in much more pain than she would've been.

Oh, and~ if he is not messaging you, it means you are not on his mind... Why don't you just call the other one back? He is totally real, and not stuck up, very accomplished, funny, fun, witty, talented, and d d gorgeous~ oh right because you want the guy who ignores you and thinks he is better than you... The one who doesn't call or invite you anywhere, and who is obviously seeing at least one other woman, if not three- the attention whore who disses you, yes that's the one you should wait for! Wait until he's all healed from his pain and then he'll call you, hehehe... Remember when you did the very same thing to that sweet guy with the Cliffwalk house? This might be your payback, ouch.Maybe you should call HIM, see if you can make amends... ;) Wealthy men aren't all bad, you know. Some of them are very sweet.

St. Augustine

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"He that is not jealous is not in love."

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Everything is on its way somewhere.
-George O'Malley

Hey, would you, uhh, love me for the rest of my life?
-George O'Malley

No. I'm gonna love you for the rest of mine.
-Lace Pennamin

Every woman has her chair, something she needs to put herself into, Banes. You ever figure out what Lisa's chairs were and buy 'em? 


"Forget the future. I'd worship someone who could do that."


Prayer For Companionship

Prayer For Companionship

Please God,
Guide me to new companions who are beneficial to my life,
Who treat me with kindness, humor, tolerance and respect;
Who see my inner self more clearly than my outer appearance;
Who see me as I really am;
Who are supportive of my endeavors;
Who respect me as an individual with unique experiences, talents and trials;
Who appreciate me as a human being who is as valid and real as any other who has ever lived on this earth;
Who find joy in companionship;
Who find joy in sharing common activities and adventures, discovery
and conversation;
Who listen to me when I share my thoughts and experiences;
Who acknowledge my past, appreciate my present, and believe in my future;
Who take account for their own actions;
Who treat my other companions and family with courtesy and respect;
Who miss my absence;
Who have my back;
Who stand beside me against injustice.
Who treasure my company.

Guide me to be this kind of companion to them as well.

Please guide me away from replacing old, unhealthy people with newer models of the same, and protect me from those:
Who extol a price for their presence;
Who use me as a toy when there is no one else around, and then shelve me when another comes to call;
Who do not apologize and can not accept that they have hurt me or that they have done something wrong;
Who find no error in causing me pain;
Who see themselves and certain others  as superior;
Who punish me for not staying within their control or their expectations;
Who try to control whom I speak to or who I am friends with, or where I go;
Who try to poison my name to turn others against me in order to gain attention and diminish me in other people's eyes;
Who take inventory of my "flaws" and hold them against me;
Who bestow unsolicited advice and criticism;
Who practice tit for tat;
Who take my material possessions;
Who do not stand up for me against injustice;
Who ignore my boundaries and minimize my opinions, talents, capability and experiences.

Please guide me to avoid doing any of these things to anyone, no matter what they have done to me.

Please guide me to simply let go of and remove from me those who are not beneficial, without drama and pain, and guide me to embrace those who are healthy, friendly, trustworthy companions.
Thank you God,



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Observe the wonders as they occur around you. Don't claim them. Feel the artistry moving through, and be silent.



"Open people are continually growng people..through their openess they can establish and maintain intimate relationships far more effectively than closed people..~Scott Peck~

-contributed by Rich S