
Infantalizing and Control

"Infantalizing" is when someone is treated as if they are incapable, as if they are much younger and less knowledgeable and experienced than they are, or than others are. This very disrespectful practice can have severe effects on the emotional and even mental well-being of a person if it is done for a long enough period of time, and especially when done to a child by family members. Narcissistic parents are notorious for infantalizing. The youngest in a family is a frequent target, and often for no other reason than falsely inflating the egos of the rest of the family; just to have a permanent person who everyone can compare themselves to and say they are less capable than themselves. Sometimes it is simply whoever has an easygoing personality, whoever has the smaller physique, whoever is NOT a bully in a group of aggressives, whoever a "leader" of a group wants to target, or whoever has been groomed not to stand up for themselves.
Infantalizing goes beyond immediate family as well; it is frequently practiced in society at large by those with inferiority or superiority complexes, those who seek to be seen as a Leader, those who desire control over another individual, and those who seek to sabotage another person. Treating a person as if they are "less than' oneself, or "less than" others, serves an agenda. It diminishes the person's image to others as a capable, intelligent, experienced individual. If a control freak can convince not only everyone else, but the person they have targeted as well that they are not as capable or intelligent (happens ALL THE TIME), then they can simply push them aside, and not have to worry about the person standing up for themselves anymore, or proving them wrong, or outshining them.
Condescension, judgment,dismissal, criticism, comparison, unsolicited advice, oppositional language and shunning are all tools that controllers use to infantalize a person.

Democrats GOP Who do you hate, SUCKER?

Political Party Propaganda is used by each party to rile you up and get you to choose a side. Once you have picked your "team", you start to believe anything bad you hear about the "other team", and you defend "your team" with all your might. It's the oldest trick in the book~ the more hostile Pro Sports gets, the more riled-up humans buy tickets and souvenirs, and watch it on TV. Why do you think
rulers have been going to war for centuries? They go to WAR in order to get everyone to be ON THEIR SIDE, solidarity AGAINST the other clan/village/kingdom/country/religion/political party. They are PLAYING you.

Stop publicly insulting and attacking the political party that your friend belongs to, stop buying into the monkey hate, stop letting them rile you up, and stop throwing your friends and family under the bus just so you can feel like you belong to a "TEAM" that doesn't care for one minute whether you exist or not. You are not part of their "TEAM" any more than you are a member of the Red Sox or the Miami Dolphins. You're a FAN. Only if you can look at all Political Parties WITHOUT a feeling of "Us" and "Them", WITHOUT an adrenaline rush, WITHOUT feeling like "They are wrong and We are right", and when you can respect anyone who does not belong to the same party and refrain from childish blame games and name-calling, only then will you be able to see what is actually going on, and who is doing what.

Women Fear Disapproval, For Good Reason

It is more common for women in Western culture to be careful that their behavior and speech falls within acceptance of those around them. The reasons for this are many, but one important reason is that they receive heavy consequences very easily and very quickly from those around them if they do not keep themselves within the parameters of approval of other people. This usually means being agreeable with anyone who has claimed a leadership role. In other words, it is more acceptable for girls and women to be cheerleaders instead of play football, to be in the audience clapping instead of onstage playing, to be the secretary instead of the boss, the bookkeeper instead of the carpenter, to listen to others and believe them instead of stating their own observations. Letting others lead is often considered being a "nice person", when it is actually just submissive,  and defending one's self against rude, inconsiderate, bossy, controlling, or unfair behavior is often painted as "bitchy", when it is actually what a healthy person with healthy boundaries does normally.

Women who do not let others rail over them, boss them, or bully them are often dished out inappropriate and ridiculous consequences such as verbal abuse, humiliation, smear campaigns, abandonment, and ostracism. Sadly, when one woman is being targeted, since there are so many people with the same conditioning, many people go along with it. Only those who are not engulfed by cultural conditioning will see through it.

Monsters In The Woods

 There are (many) people who will only let you play with them if they believe you think more of them than you do of yourself.

They will allow you to come near their firelight if you allow them to be the Leader~ if you dare display autonomy or initiative, if you dare state observations that don't match up with what their own Leaders have said, then you will be ousted forthwith, or otherwise punish
ed, often with attempts at humiliation and smearing your name to anyone within earshot. They don't feel remorse about ostracizing, bullying, or smearing, it's a game to them, they enjoy it just as much as they enjoy luring their next "follower" to trust them.

Knowledge is power; know that there are a lot more people like this out there than we realize, and a lot more than any of us have ever met. When we know that there are monsters in the woods, we are forewarned, not "dwelling in negativity". (That's, of course, what a monster would say, so we don't bring any flashlights or weapons with us into the woods.)

Beware BPD NPD Psychology Blogger Bigotry

It is now finally recognized that sex bias does indeed exist in the supposedly objective and clinical world of  psychiatry and psychology. Predictably, blogs and articles written by psychiatric practitioners and non-practitioners alike regarding emotional and mental illnesses are also rife with sex bias. Since each person who practices and/or writes is actually just a human being, and not some kind of A.I. machine or a god, (although some would like to believe they are), each person's own biases filter down through their perceptions, whether they like it or not. Total denial of one's own bias usually means the bias is so strong that it has been buried by the ego, in order to protect it as if it were a survival tool.

RED FLAG: When you read a description of a diagnosis or disorder, one gender is mentioned as "more likely" to have it than the other. An objective description may warn of one sex being diagnosed more often with the particular disorder in the field, but would not agree that the gender disparity is correct.

Therefore YOU and I, as the reader of said blogs and articles, and also as a potential or current patient or loved one of a patient, has a crucial responsibility to ourselves and those around us to keep this fact in mind when we seek information about mental illness, emotional difficulties, trauma, addiction, and personality disorders.
A few of the most heavily skewed biases can be seen frequently in a few "disorders" that have become popular to blog about: "Borderline Personality Disorder", "Narcissistic Personality Disorder", "Conduct Disorder", "Codependency", and "Asperger's Syndrome". Each of these diagnoses has its own sex bias, meaning psychology workers often jump to one of them based on the patient's gender. This has been going on for so long that there are many who actually believe they are being scientific when they do this.
Respectively, the gender biases associated with these labels go like this:

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD):       Female
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD):     Male
Conduct Disorder:                                      Male
Codependency:                                          Female
Asperger's Syndrome:                                Male

A female displaying the same set of symptoms as a male patient will often be diagnosed with BPD, while the male may be diagnosed with NPD, Conduct Disorder, "Anger management issues", or perhaps just "having communication issues".
A male displaying Codependency can be seen as being "pussy whipped", yes, even by a so-called "professional". When grades don't matter anymore, and when there are no consequences for misdiagnoses (except on the head of the patient and their family), and there is no one in the room judging the judgment of the clinician or the writer, one's base prejudices, resentments, and issues from childhood and life can trickle over one's perception. Of course, there is also the matter of HOW does a patient know at all whether the individual treating or counseling them has ever been objectively or scientifically minded in their lives? Ever? To pass tests and graduate with a degree, one is not required to have a single objective bone in their body. Nor is it a requirement for writing or blogging.   

It is quite disturbing to think of "qualified psychiatric professionals" diagnosing and treating human beings with the slanted perception of sex bias, but remember, they are all just people, too. Medical doctors have been treating men and women completely differently since the dawn of time, only recently has the damage their biases have caused been addressed. Schools and colleges are filled with "education professionals" who are allowed to get away with all kinds of biases toward their students, making the job of objective and truly dedicated educators much more difficult. When is the last time you took your car to an auto repair shop staffed by only one gender in the garage, called a cleaning service staffed by only one gender, called a home repair or remodeling company with only one sex as employees, or watched a sports event where the team was one gender, and the cheerleading squad the other? (Probably very recently). Psychology professors, students, and practitioners, and writers are not some other species of human than the rest; they have just as many internal biases, and sometimes more, if they aren't self-aware.

Test it yourself; just go on an internet search and read all you can on Borderline Personality Disorder~ take note of how many articles assume the patient in question is female.
Search "Narcissism" or "NPD", note how many posts and articles assume that the NPD person is either a Male Partner/Husband, OR a Narcissistic Mother. Note the lack of material on NPD Female Partners/Wives, and NPD Fathers.

Sex bias in psychology and writings about psychology obviously causes all kind of problems and damage in the lives of patients, and the lives of those around them. Imagine learning all you can about Bipolar Disorder because your daughter was diagnosed with it, only to realize years and heavy medications later that she had Asperger's all along.

Boring Bully Behavior: Banter

"Banter" : Light hearted, humorous, often witty exchanges between two or more people, often seen in healthy social groups. Those who harbor elitist and cliquey agendas frequently use "Banter" as a method of bonding with "insiders", and to humiliate those who intimidate them by refusing to recognize or engage in "Banter" with those individuals.
This method is also frequently used by those who wish to create a status hierarchy in a social or family group, only engaging in "Banter" with certain members, and purposely ignoring and dismissing "Banter" from those whom they desire control over.

Logic: How much do we really use?

Logic dictates that:
If we believe that anyone who becomes a minister has deep-seated personal issues (psychological) with religion,
and anyone who chooses to be an advocate for abuse victims has deep-seated personal issues around victimhood,
and anyone who chooses to study psychology or psychiatry has deep-seated personal issues around their own psychology,
and anyone who chooses music as a career has deep-seated issues with fame,
THEN, we also must believe that anyone who chooses finance as a career must have deep-seated issues with money;
anyone who chooses teaching as a career must have deep-seated issues with school or childhood,
anyone who chooses automechanics as a career has deep-seated issues surrounding car repair (from childhood),
anyone who chooses carpentry as a career has deep-seated issues with male-dominated fields,
anyone who chooses sports as a career has deep-seated issues with fame and wealth, etc, etc.
Where does the judgment end? With only ourselves, or people we don't have a desire to put down, because we like them?
We humans make a lot of excuses for ourselves and whoever we want to defend, but we have an endless capacity for negative judgment toward anyone we want to put down.

5 Ways Modern Men Are Trained To Hate Women

"And now you see the problem. From birth we're taught that we're owed a beautiful girl. We all think of ourselves as the hero of our own story, and we all (whether we admit it or not) think we're heroes for just getting through our day. So it's very frustrating, and I mean frustrating to the point of violence, when we don't get what we're owed. A contract has been broken. These women, by exercising their own choices, are denying it to us. It's why every Nice Guy is shocked to find that buying gifts for a girl and doing her favors won't win him sex. It's why we go to "slut" and "whore" as our default insults -- we're not mad that women enjoy sex. We're mad that women are distributing to other people the sex that they owed us. Yes, the women in these stories are being portrayed as wonderful and beautiful and perfect. But remember, there are two ways to dehumanize someone: by dismissing them, and by idolizing them.
Read more:

No Boys Allowed: Hostile Environments

Those who create a hostile environment are often unaware of the level of hostility they are creating, or the effect it has. No white people at a black church; many of the members may assume that whites stay out of the church because they don't WANT to come in and join them. They may not be aware that they are sending social signals that say "STAY AWAY, WE WILL TREAT YOU BADLY" (or that fellow memb
ers are sending these signals). The same thing happens often in male dominated groups toward females quite often; no females in a math class, so the members of the class assume females don't "like" or don't "get" math, but the reality is that many of the participants send overt social signals to females that they are not welcome, and will not be treated with any kind of normal courtesy. This hostile environment group behavior can be seen almost anywhere there is a group of humans who have physical traits in common with each other.
And even within those groups, subgroups are created as well; a group of women from India may separate others in the group according to skin tone, for example.

Narcissist's Voracious Appetite

On a basic level, the person who has severe narcissism is much like a wild animal who has lost their fear of humans; the animal will not bite as long as the humans keep feeding it, and drop their own lives to focus on feeding the animal. The animal even acts tame and friendly, as long as it is being fed, as long as the humans don't stop in order to take care of themselves. If the humans believe that the animal intends to be their friend, behaving considerately and respectfully toward them, or returning their caring behavior, they are mistaken; the animal's intention is to be fed by them, not to feed them, care for them, join them in activities, or protect them. The moment the humans do not make the animal the center of their attention and their lives, and give it what it wants, EVEN if they are doing something very important (like caring for themselves or for another human), the animal will feel abandoned, angry, and hungry, and will then storm the cabin and demand to be fed, and accuse the humans of abuse and neglect. Possibly rage at them, destroy things, threaten, or bite them. The narcissist does not understand that other beings, besides themselves (and sometimes their "pack"), are "real", or important, and does not have any compulsion to care for them, respect them, or be considerate of them. The only emotional experience they have is what happens or does not happen TO THEMSELVES, and they do not check to see if their reactions and judgment are accurate or not. All they know is they feel something. They don't care why, what happened, what the needs or feelings of others are, or what's really going on. (The wild animal would blame the humans if it ate all of the food in the cabin, and go after the humans in anger, with zero comprehension that IT was the reason that the food is all gone, zero remorse for taking the human's food, and zero memory about the humans treating it so well, feeding it and treating it with friendship and kindness.)


Liberals tolerate other people lifestyles and choices. Liberals listen to other people's opinions even if they are not the same as their own. Liberals WANT TO hear other people's Points Of View. Liberals RESPECT other human beings as equals, and stand up for them when they are under the attack of prejudices and hostility.
Liberals DO NOT resent those who are wealthier than themselves, nor do they look down on those who are less wealthy than themselves.
Liberals WANT to find solutions, REGARDLESS of WHO came up with the idea.
Liberals DO NOT believe that having a COLLEGE DEGREE makes you "smarter"; they know that a degree is a degree, not a PEDIGREE. They also DO NOT RESENT those who DO have a college degree.
Liberals DO NOT think that they're friends and cronies are better, smarter, stronger, faster, cooler, and superior. They tolerate spelling and grammar mistakes, but they don't think those mistakes makes a person "cool". They know every human on the planet makes mistakes every day. They are AGAINST superiority complexes, prejudice, cronyism, sexism, arrogance, male superiority, female superiority, atheism superiority, any kind of elitist complex.
MANY PEOPLE believe they are "Liberals" because they are against someone else's beliefs, or because they think they're TOO COOL for school. Liberalism is not being a rebel without a clue, it's about TOLERANCE. That means the Liberal FULLY RESPECTS the right of another person to believe what they believe, and they RESPECT another person's input and information, ESPECIALLY if it's not the same as what they already think or have heard. They DO NOT tolerate bullying, and they don't bully, and they know the difference between a discussion about a subject, and a personal attack. Liberals DO NOT sympathize with a bully, regardless of who the bully's target is. In other words, a TRUE LIBERAL does not simply take the side of the Union against the Corporation; a TRUE LIBERAL wants freedom, liberty, and protected rights for EVERY person, including the individuals persons who are running the corporation and the workers who belong to the union. A TRUE LIBERAL would not REQUIRE employees to join a Union.
I know a lot of people who call themselves Liberals. I don't know a lot of people who actually practice it.

Only Fools Fall For "Women Are Crazy"

The most popular way to destroy a female's reputation, and thereby weaken or remove normal support networks made up of friends, family, acquaintances and coworkers, is to imply that she is emotionally unstable. It also helps to block future career and social success. ("You're reputation precedes you" is usually a true statement). This tactic has worked well for eons, so well that it has become nearly invisible; people are so used to it. All one has to do is point out something random about a female and declare it to be evidence of instability.

Pretty much anything will work; if the woman likes to cook a lot, she's obsessed with cooking, and she gets her identity from it (it's not just something she likes to do, and she's good at it.) If she loves animals and rescues strays and wild animals, (and she doesn't have a veterinary degree), she is obsessed with them, and it must be filling a hole because she doesn't have enough children... If she's a writer, or an artist, she is a "wanna-be" or she's "out there", until of course she starts making serious money with it, and then suddenly everyone wants to be her friend, and they all knew she would make it one day... (This is the point where she moves far away from all the people who did NOT support her and called her crazy behind her back, and made it much more difficult for her to find success.) If she studies science, she's "eccentric", or "weird". Etc, etc. Oh! And let's not forget the way she does her hair, the amount of make-up she wears (or doesn't wear), what her fingernails look like, the heels on her shoes, the clothes she wears, and whether she's married, single, has kids, doesn't have kids... and ANYTHING she likes to talk about, or what she does for recreation. Anything at all... can be misconstrued, magnified, twisted, and turned into something that it's not, in order to turn it into evidence of her "instability".

EVEN surviving an ordeal can be skewed for this yucky purpose... "Look what she's been through, she's 'all used up', 'loopy', 'neurotic'," etc. Not "Look what she's been through, what a strong person, and maybe we should listen to what she says since she's experienced things that we haven't".

Easy easy to do this to females, since most males want to be seen as the more stable gender, so they'll throw their own sister or wife under this bus just to be compared as the "stable one". And everyone is well aware of how competitive females can be, so using "she's crazy" against another female is quick and easy. People swallow it like M&M's. (Oh look at the crazy girl! Now we can use her as a dumping ground for all our gossip compulsions, we don't have to worry about our men looking at her or leaving us for her, and we can blame her for our bad feelings and anything that goes wrong in our lives whenever we feel like it, and no one will question it, or stand up for her! Also, we now have an excuse to dismiss anything and everything she says and does if we don't like it!) If you are actually a real friend, this is not something you would do. But if you go around trying to make yourself look sane, stable, and innocent by telling everyone your female friend/partner/relative is "unstable", then you are not now, and never have been, a real friend. And you should not be surprised when that person stops talking to you, and has to move away because their support network is not only destroyed, but works against them. When you spread rumors about a person, or implications about their mental or emotional stability, it spreads like a virus. People who get off on trashing other people take that ball and run with it, and pass it to anyone who will listen. When you imply that a person is crazy (especially when they're not, but you are trying to fit in with people who have control and gossip issues) you will obliterate their credibility and destroy their prospects of success and happiness. It is a sick and cruel thing to do. Most people have no idea how easy it is to do to someone, or how impossible it is to repair the damage once it's been done.

Narcissistic Conditioning

Narcissistic people condition their targets to believe that they don't "fit in" with the rest of the population, that they aren't good enough to be accepted by "normal" people. Once this conditioning takes hold in the mind of the target, once they start to believe that they are not entitled to feel like a real and valued member of the local community, family, or global community, they then respond to Bully Tactics from outside sources. The kid who is bulled and dismissed at home is also the target of abuse by the bullies on the outside. This has a domino effect, and everywhere this person goes now, because of the original conditioning, they will be targeted by the bullies in the new group. The original conditioning is what causes them to respond to the bullying with anxiety, avoidance, or hostile reaction (Narcs KNOW this, that's why they do it~ to make the target react in some way. If they can get the target to NOT SHOW UP, or to DISPLAY ANGER or ANXIETY, then they have accomplished their goal.) It is important to know that Narc bullies don't give up when they have lost the battle, they will continue to target a person until they have won their war. They don't know any other way to operate, they are the kings and queens of drama. Those who expose them are not drama kings or queens, but the Narc will accuse them of it (of course) until they can either get the person to stop exposing them by bullying that person, or get everyone to stop listening to the person by destroying their credibility (talk about how crazy and dramatic that person is, point to things that person does that are, in reality, perfectly normal, but the Narc twists until it looks crazy). ALL Narcs are bullies to some degree, all narcs try to run the show, all narcs try to convince others that they are innocent and stable, and that someone else is not. Those who have attributes that bullies are jealous of are targeted ANYWAY, so when there is a Narcissist bully in the home, that bully's focus will be mostly the SAME as the bullies on the outside of the home. So a person who has been conditioned to Narc bullying in the home will be a Narc bully victim for the rest of their lives, until they find a way to heal and recover; it usually takes professional help, since it is a form of brainwashing, and it is reinforced every time a new Narc shows up. Narc abuse often causes PTSD, which contributes greatly to conditioning.

In The Zone ~ The Place The Control Freak Doesn't Want You To Go

Dependent and controlling people are very good at knocking their target out of a "dream state". We all need to have daydream visions of our future in order to make our dreams come true. It's when we're in a "zone", picturing what we want to do, where we want to go, in the here and now or in the future. It is the place in which our hearts and minds combine, where music is written, art is created, scientific discoveries are made, our best work is done, our true love blossoms. A very personal space, and yet connected to all Creation at the same time.
When a controller sees or senses that their target is in that zone, they don't respect it and leave them to it, they try to knock them out of it. They often go so far as to try to shame their target, as if being in that zone is a selfish or debauched thing to be doing. They may try to humiliate their target, making fun of them for even thinking they HAVE a "zone", or that they are a good enough person to enter a zone state.

Picture the short boy or girl practicing in the gym by themselves, shooting baskets, when the varsity team shows up~
The younger sister learning how to take an engine apart and put it back together when her (insecure, arrogant) brother walks in with his friends~
The son of a gender-roled parent teaching himself how to design and make clothing ~
The wife of a controlling gender-role husband working on an invention when he thinks she should be serving his needs~
The white person at an all-black church, singing his lungs out for the Lord; those who came to church to celebrate the Lord will rejoice in his singing and be happy for another Christian to join them, but the controllers will stare at him, point and make fun, and forget all about why they're in church, tell him to hush up~
The black person at an all-white church, singing his lungs out for the Lord; those who came to church to celebrate the Lord will rejoice in his singing and be happy for another Christian to join them, but the controllers will stare at him, point and make fun, and forget all about why they're in church, tell him to hush up~
The female singer at a rock or blues show, singing her lungs out, nailing every note, when the keyboard player just happens to keep hitting bad notes, but only during her songs ~
The trigger for their behavior is often jealousy or envy, and it can also be a fear of loss of control over that person, or a fear of that person finding success and subsequently abandoning them.

What Women Want, What Men Want

How common is it, in your opinion, for a man to seek and expect "mothering" from random women? (As in: nurturing, gift-giving, patting on the back, tolerance of rude, obnoxious, inconsiderate behavior, being held up as "manly" and a "good man" (innocent, skilled, and stronger than women), and allowance of domination, condescension and arrogance? )

And how common is it, in your opinion, for a woman to seek and expect "fathering" from random men? (As in: nurturing, gift-giving, patting on the head, tolerance of rude, obnoxious, inconsiderate behavior, being held up as "feminine" and a "good woman" (innocent, submissive, and more intuitive than men), and allowance of neediness, manipulation and backstabbing other women? ) And how much do you think these expectations might contribute to relationship and interpersonal problems?

"Women want to be in a relationship with guys they can seriously talk to - unfortunately, a lot of those guys want to be in relationships with women they don't have to talk to." (from NY Times article)

  If comments are not working on my page, please email me if you'd like to share your opinion at , I look forward to hearing from you.

Chaos Makes Me Broke

So I am sick of being surrounded by chaotic people who drive me crazy. And I am sick of always being broke. I am sick of fighting with them to try to get them what I think they should do. I am sick of being victimized by the people in my life. They are all wrong, they are all nuts, and I am right, and I am perfectly sane... RIGHT?
Well, even if all of that were completely true, then the questions begs to be asked: Why Am I Still Here, Doing The Same Things, Dealing With The Same People, Spending Beyond My Means??

Who is really the "crazy" one?

I Know Her Too Well

What you see another person do is not ALL they do. We can only see the tip of the iceberg when we look at another person, or read their posts, or hear them talk. Even those we have known for a long time.
Our human brains are amazingly presumptuous about others. There is a reason for it; our brains cannot handle the amount of information it would have to process to see reality, so it summarizes everything, truncates everything, makes everything much, much smaller than it really is. And in that shrinking process, it leaves out MOST of the actual information.
We don't live in actual reality, we live in a very, very edited version, and we see others as our brain's own edited version of them, not how they really are. (We don't even see ourselves as we really are. Our brains just aren't capable of processing that much information.)

Signs You May Be Group Stalked

You can take it lightly if you want, but discounting it as paranoid is just naive. Anyone who has ever attended school can attest to humans stalking a target in groups. It's just another one of those Chimpanzee behaviors that some humans get a monkey-charge out of. Whether it's a creepy neighborhood group, a bunch of coworkers who should be doing something better with their time, a family group who make it a habit to scapegoat one of their own, a corrupt business group who get more out of controlling other humans than making actual product, or a government agency who's members have too many toys and too much money, group stalking really happens.

"Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're NOT out to get you"

You may be a victim of organized stalking if:
* You sense you are being watched and followed everywhere you go. * You notice consistently rude behavior from people you don't know for no apparent reason. * You hear excerpts from conversations you had in the privacy of your home coming from people around you. * You feel that... those around you have access to your thoughts. * Your relationships and friendships all become distant or strained for no apparent reason. * You have problems on the job where groups of people are plotting to have you terminated. * Your business deals consistently fall through for no apparent reason. * You experience vandalism on a regular basis. * You notice that your things are not in the same place you left them when you left home or some small items may be missing. * You experience frequent car repairs. * You experience frequent appliance or electronic malfunctions.