Narcissist's Voracious Appetite

On a basic level, the person who has severe narcissism is much like a wild animal who has lost their fear of humans; the animal will not bite as long as the humans keep feeding it, and drop their own lives to focus on feeding the animal. The animal even acts tame and friendly, as long as it is being fed, as long as the humans don't stop in order to take care of themselves. If the humans believe that the animal intends to be their friend, behaving considerately and respectfully toward them, or returning their caring behavior, they are mistaken; the animal's intention is to be fed by them, not to feed them, care for them, join them in activities, or protect them. The moment the humans do not make the animal the center of their attention and their lives, and give it what it wants, EVEN if they are doing something very important (like caring for themselves or for another human), the animal will feel abandoned, angry, and hungry, and will then storm the cabin and demand to be fed, and accuse the humans of abuse and neglect. Possibly rage at them, destroy things, threaten, or bite them. The narcissist does not understand that other beings, besides themselves (and sometimes their "pack"), are "real", or important, and does not have any compulsion to care for them, respect them, or be considerate of them. The only emotional experience they have is what happens or does not happen TO THEMSELVES, and they do not check to see if their reactions and judgment are accurate or not. All they know is they feel something. They don't care why, what happened, what the needs or feelings of others are, or what's really going on. (The wild animal would blame the humans if it ate all of the food in the cabin, and go after the humans in anger, with zero comprehension that IT was the reason that the food is all gone, zero remorse for taking the human's food, and zero memory about the humans treating it so well, feeding it and treating it with friendship and kindness.)