Premlatha Rajkumar
"Compassion is neither sympathy nor empathy, it is Understanding from the heart, understanding to see only the gift in every situation."
A Dear Friend Sent Me This Message This Morning, Posting It For My Own Heart:
I couldnt go to sleep last night, felt you flapping like an injured bird... but it wasnt you it was (****) (like identical twins). Anyway, I used to work at a raptor center with injured birds and their instinct when they are injured is to flap around in fear and furthur injuring themselves. So what we would do first is cover their eyes so they couldnt see. Ok stop. YOU were an eagle a golden shimmery brilliant color and you had something in your wing, so you couldnt fly. Your wing wasnt broken but you were flapping so hard you were about to break it, so we covered your eyes with a towel then I held you firmly but gently and stroked your back. We were silent moving very slowly because you could sense our movements and would try to turn your head so we were silent. You had this thing that had obviously been there a long time as it had gotten infected and skin had grown and scarred around it but now that you were older it was impeding your ability to fly. You had gotten used to it and were accustommed to flying all wonky. You didnt know you had the ability in you to fly towards the sun as this thing (a thorn or metal or something) had kept you close to the ground... Anyway we took it out... and you just needed to be nurtured for a while. In solitude... quiet. You had been so used to the noise you didnt know how stressed and tired and frustrated you were... until you were given the opportunity to know the silence. Anyway the weeks passed and your wing was still sore, but you were different. Your spirit had changed. You had an inner light and knowing that you were no longer a grouse (big birds that live on the ground flapping and flopping about) You were in your heart soul mind and being an eagle... born to soar... no longer encumbered by the past you hopped out of your cage that had been for your healing and safety and into the light of a new day as a new bird. You looked up to the sky and noticed other eagles flying by. You squawked a huge squawk and they responded equally calling to your light... your heart opened and hesitatingly at first you spread your wings testing them to see if it were really truly possible that YOU were born to fly among them. You hopped and flapped but the wing lifted you this time the wind through wings... you gathered speed and height... you had never seen the world from this vantage point. You had been mistaken this whole time... you my friend had been born to fly.
~Richard Bach
And another posted this almost at the same time:
When a handicap gull asks if he can fly :
“Come along then.” said Jonathan. “Climb with me away from the ground, and we’ll begin.”
“You don’t understand My wing. I can’t move my wing.”
“Maynard Gull, you have the freedom to be yourself, your true self, here and now, and nothing can stand in your way.It is the Law of the Great Gull, the Law that Is.”
“Are you saying I can fly?”
“I say you are free.”
“You don’t understand My wing. I can’t move my wing.”
“Maynard Gull, you have the freedom to be yourself, your true self, here and now, and nothing can stand in your way.It is the Law of the Great Gull, the Law that Is.”
“Are you saying I can fly?”
“I say you are free.”
~Richard Bach
Elizabeth Barret Browning 1806-1861
She has laughed as softly as if she sighed,She has counted six, and over,
Of a purse well filled, and a heart well tried -
Oh, each a worthy lover!
They "give her time"; for her soul must slip
Where the world has set the grooving;
She will lie to none with her fair red lip:
But love seeks truer loving.
She trembles her fan in a sweetness dumb,
As her thoughts were beyond recalling;
With a glance for one, and a glance for some,
From her eyelids rising and falling;
Speaks common words with a blushful air,
Hears bold words, unreproving;
But her silence says - what she never will swear -
And love seeks better loving.
Go, lady! lean to the night-guitar,
And drop a smile to the bringer;
Then smile as sweetly, when he is far,
At the voice of an in-door singer.
Bask tenderly beneath tender eyes;
Glance lightly, on their removing;
And join new vows to old perjuries -
But dare not call it loving!
Unless you can think, when the song is done,
No other is soft in the rhythm;
Unless you can feel, when left by One,
That all men else go with him;
Unless you can know, when unpraised by his breath,
That your beauty itself wants proving;
Unless you can swear "For life, for death!" -
Oh, fear to call it loving!
Unless you can muse in a crowd all day
On the absent face that fixed you;
Unless you can love, as the angels may,
With the breadth of heaven betwixt you;
Unless you can dream that his faith is fast,
Through behoving and unbehoving;
Unless you can die when the dream is past -
Oh, never call it loving!
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"Observatory" |
When you're not here, I can't go to sleep.
Praise God for those two insomnias!
And the difference between them."
— Mawlana Jalal-al-Din Rumi
Be careful about projecting your own motives onto the behavior of others. Try to see others as they actually are, not as another version of yourself, or another version of someone from your past. Treat each person with the respect that you would show the person you most admire on Earth, and you will be less likely to act with your unconscious prejudice. Try hard, it's important, not just for them, but for your own heart.
Soul Mates
What if you meet your soul mate, and you are each very respectful of one another, and of life itself, and you love deeply, laugh often, and live well every day of your life?
I Am
Each is "I"
and all are "me".
To every single heart that beats,
all other hearts are "you".
There is no one who stands closer to another;
there is no one who did not have a mother;
no one.
When words are spoken,
they are spoken by an "I",
and they are heard by a "me".
There is no one who does not belong;
there is no one who was born wrong
or uninvited;
no one.
Wit and wisdom;
misery, elation;
laughter and song!
Emanations from the depths my soul.
I do not exist as someone else's "you", or "her", or "they".
There is no one who does not originate their own laughter;
there is no one who was born before or after
the beginning of life, of humankind.
Each is "I"
and all are "me".
~M. Black
and all are "me".
To every single heart that beats,
all other hearts are "you".
There is no one who stands closer to another;
there is no one who did not have a mother;
no one.
When words are spoken,
they are spoken by an "I",
and they are heard by a "me".
There is no one who does not belong;
there is no one who was born wrong
or uninvited;
no one.
Wit and wisdom;
misery, elation;
laughter and song!
Emanations from the depths my soul.
I do not exist as someone else's "you", or "her", or "they".
There is no one who does not originate their own laughter;
there is no one who was born before or after
the beginning of life, of humankind.
Each is "I"
and all are "me".
~M. Black
Queen of Stars
Not at Home,
Unaccounted for-
Where art Thou, my playful one?
The darkness of the mind assails me!
Unaccounted for-
Where art Thou, my playful one?
The darkness of the mind assails me!
Your friends are the ones who show trustworthiness when they stick around after you answer the question, "How are you?"
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"Meeting" |
It is finished.
Thank you for helping me to remember.
Thank you for helping me to unravel the knot, to find the source of the pain, to help me face my deepest sin, my betrayal.
Goodbye, see you on the next go-round, perhaps~
peace, love, light, as always and as Always,
mon amour
Thank you for helping me to remember.
Thank you for helping me to unravel the knot, to find the source of the pain, to help me face my deepest sin, my betrayal.
Goodbye, see you on the next go-round, perhaps~
peace, love, light, as always and as Always,
mon amour
The shine that catches the eye and is gone;
an elusive glint that cannot be followed
or seen from straight on,
only from the corner of the eye;
like a moonglow firefly;
an ember falling from my hair
that spits and flares and disappears
before it can be captured;
it is only the dust on my coat
from the road Home.
an elusive glint that cannot be followed
or seen from straight on,
only from the corner of the eye;
like a moonglow firefly;
an ember falling from my hair
that spits and flares and disappears
before it can be captured;
it is only the dust on my coat
from the road Home.
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Pleiades |
"when i look up at the stars at night
what could i find beyond the light
a hundred million worlds that we ignore
who can restrain pleiades
or know the laws of heavenly's
how many times have we been wrong before
far off in the field i see a castle
today the people gather at the pole
he tried to tell us all the world was spherical
they burned his body but not his soul"
~King's X, "Pleiades"
from Gretchen Goes To Nebraska
Roses Can Prick
Try Treating Others With The Friendship, The Love, The Respect, The Attention, The Empathy That You Want For Yourself, Try Taking Accountability For The Way You Have Acted, Now And Whenever. Try Trusting That Other People Are Worthy And Are Capable Of Forgiveness. Try Letting Go Of The Resentment You Have Toward People Who Have Done You No Wrong. Try Being A Genuine Friend To Someone Other Than Your Pre-Approved Types Of Humans. Try remembering that you are not the Owner Of Pain; you could try being a comfort to others.
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"Care" |
I might not care as much as you think I do.
You might care more than you think you do.
Or you wouldn't be reading this.
Projecting, assuming, judging, from such an "enlightened" spirit?
Projecting, assuming, judging, from such an "enlightened" spirit?
Try respect, it doesn't piss people off.
Try humility, you won't be surprised so often.
Try to stop controlling everyone for once.
There are other people that have to live on this rock, too, the same as you.
Love Is...
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Morning Mast |
Sail your own ship, watch your own stars, pay equal respect to all the other vessels you encounter, obey Maritime rules. You are not the wind that blows my sails, nor are you the waves that rock my hull. Do not think you can read my charts from your deck, and let go of the belief that I chart my course according to yours.
There is enough transcendent beauty to fill the skies of every captain; no one can claim to own the stars.
Ní bheidh tú ag siúl ina n-aonar
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"Journey" |
The Chains Are Too Thick
Don't even think ~ (ahem)... don't even think about trying to escape~
~The Albino
~The Albino
Hobbit House!
Thank you Rick Mariotti for pointing to this article, click here:
Hobbit House
How can we get the Zoning Boards and Building Inspectors to approve this around here? I'll be working on it~ in a free country it shouldn't be an issue.
Hobbit House
How can we get the Zoning Boards and Building Inspectors to approve this around here? I'll be working on it~ in a free country it shouldn't be an issue.
Social Change, Save The Wails
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Allies |
"Come Join The Walk For Cancer" (but we'll only welcome you for real if we already like you...) "Please Volunteer At The Shelter" (so we can treat you like the new kid at school and feel superior)
"Please Come And Support The Arts" (so we can act like rockstars and treat you like a groupie)
"Please Come Join Our Club" (we need fresh meat to gossip about)
"All Are Welcome To The Lightworker Circle" (please join us so we can feed our egos by condescending.. I mean 'teaching' you... )
And no this is not a vent about something that happened to me, it is something that I have observed a thousand times in various things I've been involved with. Humanitarian groups, Environmental groups, Arts groups, asking for volunteers and support, appealing to people's hearts, and then acting like Junior High School kids toward them, using the group as a pre-established "In Crowd". Which is what the motivation for creating or joining the group might have been to begin with. It is such a resource-waster, there is so much these groups could accomplish if the people involved were actually looking in the same direction, toward the cause they claim to support, instead of playing games in order to pump themselves up. The actual cause drowns in the sea of ego and insecurity. Groups for causes do NOT need to have "pecking orders", or soap opera dramas, or gossiping, or backstabbing, or anything else that grown-ups should have stopped doing before they graduated High School. When this is going on, people have diverted their attention away from the cause, and they are just using the group as a social club, even if they are actively working, performing their tasks. They are detracting from the cause, wrecking the environment, discouraging people from helping or joining, and being a burden to the cause instead of a help. Why would someone want to Walk For Cancer if, when they arrive, they are given weird looks like "Who are YOU" or "What is SHE doing here?" Why would someone join a Spiritual group if the ones running it are speaking from a place of Superiority? (That's not Enlightenment... sorry... the second you feel superior to another you have stepped off the path.) Why would someone want to support an Animal Rescue Shelter if those already there act like they are the only ones endowed with such deep compassion and understanding of animals... and no one else could possibly know anything about animals or care as much... (eyes rolling)... Arts Groups? Invite the whole world in a very sweet, welcoming, open way to attend and support, and when they show up, assess their character and whether "we" think they are "sophisticated" or "experienced" enough for "us" to speak to them like a real person, and if "we" deem them unimportant, treat them accordingly~ with condescension. (The funny thing about that is those who I have seen usually get treated like they don't "belong" are often the only actual artists in the room.) If a person is actually genuine about their cause, they do not make their group a big Junior High School; they don't have the time, energy or money to waste playing gossip games, competing, dominating, or giving people attitudes. They treat everyone with sincere respect, they put a stop to other group members doing it, they check their own egos, and they are grateful to whoever shows up.
It's truly annoying, very frustrating, when you are sincerely and wholeheartedly trying to support or further a cause or be part of a group that could be a wonderful thing, and it is stalled over and over again by soap opera behavior.
"The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new." ~Rajneesh
"Please Speak Your Intention"
"Good friendships are fragile things and require as much care as any other fragile and precious thing."
~ Randolph S. Bourne
Anna Nalick - Breathe (2AM)
"Breathe (2 AM)"
2 AM and she calls me 'cause I'm still awake,
"Can you help me unravel my latest mistake?,
I don't love him. Winter just wasn't my season"
Yeah we walk through the doors, so accusing their eyes
Like they have any right at all to criticize,
Hypocrites. You're all here for the very same reason
'Cause you can't jump the track, we're like cars on a cable
And life's like an hourglass, glued to the table
No one can find the rewind button, girl.
So cradle your head in your hands
And breathe... just breathe,
Oh breathe, just breathe
May he turned 21 on the base at Fort Bliss
"Just a day" he said down to the flask in his fist,
"Ain't been sober, since maybe October of last year."
Here in town you can tell he's been down for a while,
But, my God, it's so beautiful when the boy smiles,
Wanna hold him. Maybe I'll just sing about it.
Cause you can't jump the track, we're like cars on a cable,
And life's like an hourglass, glued to the table.
No one can find the rewind button, boys,
So cradle your head in your hands,
And breathe... just breathe,
Oh breathe, just breathe
There's a light at each end of this tunnel,
You shout 'cause you're just as far in as you'll ever be out
And these mistakes you've made, you'll just make them again
If you only try turning around.
2 AM and I'm still awake, writing a song
If I get it all down on paper, it's no longer inside of me,
Threatening the life it belongs to
And I feel like I'm naked in front of the crowd
Cause these words are my diary, screaming out loud
And I know that you'll use them, however you want to
But you can't jump the track, we're like cars on a cable,
And life's like an hourglass, glued to the table
No one can find the rewind button now
Sing it if you understand.
and breathe, just breathe
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"Spires" |
When the lights go down in the city
and the sun shines on the bay
ooh I wanna be there in my city...
(Lights by Journey)
Vita non est vivere sed valere vita est
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
~Howard Thurman
~Howard Thurman
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"Life is not to live but to live vigorously." Open Shutter At Midnight Ocean Drive, Newport Rhode Island |
Olivia Dunham
"I don't care how long you've been here. This is my operation; you work for me."
In the Future position
A card in the right position indicates your questions future.
Meaning: When the Imbolc festival card appears in a spread, it indicates potent energies of resurgence, purification, freshness, originality, and new beginnings.
It is always incorrect to assume you can know what someone's moral convictions are based on their philosophical theories.
~Stanley Fish
~Stanley Fish
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Unadorned |
The swan does not see herself as you see her. You may find her unattractive, but that doesn't make her a lesser creature. You may find her beautiful, but that doesn't mean she is haughty. You may find her eccentric, but that doesn't mean she is crazy. Your opinion has no influence on what she really is, and neither does your projection or your prejudice. She is the same whether you breathe or die. She is to the Universe exactly what she is meant to be.
Don't Forget
Where You Come From
Where You Are Now
What You Are Doing
What You Are Doing To Others
Who You Are Consorting With
What You Are Letting Get Close To You
Where You Are Now
What You Are Doing
What You Are Doing To Others
Who You Are Consorting With
What You Are Letting Get Close To You
Let Go
" Whatever is done is over. It cannot be changed. But your attitude and feelings about it can be changed by doing the next right thing Today."
Come down here,
lay now here.
Settle your head
heavy as lead;
heavy as waves rolling out
sheets of sand and lime.
Flat as panes of time
soaking starlight.
Walk this tide
breaking pride with sinking feet.
Let your ankles ache
to redeem deceit.
Hourglasses gather fog on this water;
let sins dissolve.
Your soul will remember:
your heart will break.
Let it break.
Let it break.
~M. Black
lay now here.
Settle your head
heavy as lead;
heavy as waves rolling out
sheets of sand and lime.
Flat as panes of time
soaking starlight.
Walk this tide
breaking pride with sinking feet.
Let your ankles ache
to redeem deceit.
Hourglasses gather fog on this water;
let sins dissolve.
Your soul will remember:
your heart will break.
Let it break.
Let it break.
~M. Black
blood from stones
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En Avant |
~Jennifer Howell Gillies
Emotional, social or relationship level.
The Sun
This represents happiness, peace, positive energy, warmth and contentment. It could possibly relate to a happy marriage or matters concerning children. The sun rules the day, so all matters can be dealt with positively and with clarity of vision.
6 of Pentacles (Reversed)
It may seem as you are giving to others and nothing is being given back in return. It may be that two people are taking advantage of your generous nature and you feel used.
4 of Wands
This represents a harvest of harmony, contentment, peace and pleasure. There will be personal achievements and a feeling of material well-being. There may be satisfaction regarding a new home or other real estate.
The Sun
This represents happiness, peace, positive energy, warmth and contentment. It could possibly relate to a happy marriage or matters concerning children. The sun rules the day, so all matters can be dealt with positively and with clarity of vision.
6 of Pentacles (Reversed)
It may seem as you are giving to others and nothing is being given back in return. It may be that two people are taking advantage of your generous nature and you feel used.
4 of Wands
This represents a harvest of harmony, contentment, peace and pleasure. There will be personal achievements and a feeling of material well-being. There may be satisfaction regarding a new home or other real estate.
“A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?” Albert Einstein
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Moonstruck |
Sorry Baby
The Majick doesn't work on everyone...
only those who can't see behind the curtain.
~why would you want a muggle, anyway?
Is she easier to control?
You're too weird.
...and bye-bye then.
only those who can't see behind the curtain.
~why would you want a muggle, anyway?
Is she easier to control?
You're too weird.
...and bye-bye then.
Dusty Springfield - YOU DON'T OWN ME
Just watched "First Wives Club", excellent... and they revived this number~
"Tell the truth, to everyone about everything, then live with your truth, in every moment and in every way, and you will be happy forever in your heart. For truth makes the spirit soar, truth sets the mind free, truth opens the heart, and truth ignites the passion and releases the love of the soul" ~Neale Donald Walsch
Using People
Using someone for sex is even worse than using someone for money; it involves their heart and soul.
Steely Dan - Hey Nineteen
Never thought age mattered in a relationship, but I'm rethinking that conviction~
Deep Thoughts
“Anytime I see something screech across a room and latch onto someone's neck, and the guy screams and tries to get it off, I have to laugh, because what is that thing.” ~Jack Handy
The choice between true, wild, unbridled, passionate love and settling for a life with a financially stable partner with whom I love but am not "in love" with? Its a choice between flying or being tied to a 100lb weight for the rest of the days here on Earth.
I would see my children follow me in flight before I would lead them to look for gold rocks to tie themselves to, just so they can sail on someone else's boat, and always wonder about their own worth.
"If you aren't good at loving yourself, you will have a difficult time loving anyone, since you'll resent the time and energy you give another person that you aren't even giving to yourself."
I would see my children follow me in flight before I would lead them to look for gold rocks to tie themselves to, just so they can sail on someone else's boat, and always wonder about their own worth.
"If you aren't good at loving yourself, you will have a difficult time loving anyone, since you'll resent the time and energy you give another person that you aren't even giving to yourself."
--Barbara De Angelis
Congratulations Kathy!
Kathy Grey, my childhood buddy, taking Blue Ribbons for her Cooking Mastery at the Durham Fair! Fantastic job Mrs. Grey the good way~
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Thank you
Thank you for your help. Thank you for your love. Thank you for being brave enough to be different.
M.C. Escher: Impossible Reality
M.C. Escher at New Britain Museum of American Art
July 16 to Nov. 14, New Britain Museum of American Art, 56 Lexington Street, New Britain, (860) 229-0257,
July 16 to Nov. 14, New Britain Museum of American Art, 56 Lexington Street, New Britain, (860) 229-0257,
Star From Afar: Sand In The Hand
How many times will you go through the process of admiring a new stranger, going through the trouble to get to know them, achieving familiarity, and then deciding that they weren't as awesome as you thought, so you blow them off...
BEFORE You Get That It's An Issue That Is From Your Own Head?
BEFORE You Get That It's An Issue That Is From Your Own Head?
You Are Not As Enlightened As You Think
Conditioning tells us who to trust, who to respect, what kinds of people are capable of which tasks and who is worthy. It also provides the reasons why we should believe it. We can come up with rationale all day long about why we respect certain people and others not, but it is mostly smoke and mirrors. Reasons tailored to fit the conditioning. Because it deals with feeling, that's why it is so effective. We feel more comfortable with a female elementary teacher. So our mind comes up with reasons to justify it. We feel more comfortable with a male car mechanic, so we search for evidence to back this up. We also tell each other these reasons, and that feels comfortable too. We attack and manipulate anything that is different, hoping subconsciously it will make it go away so we can feel comfortable again. The male nurse gets picked on by coworkers, patients and doctors alike, even undermined. The female electrician gets ignored, sabotaged and condescended to by both coworkers and customers. And that behavior is rationalized as well, and backed up by others who are conditioned in the same way. Attempts by the person to stand up for themselves is also met with hostility. That is the essence of conditioning. We are trained by the people in the environment we grow up in from the time we are born until we die, and mostly by people who are unaware of their own conditioning, so it is not easy to see. If we want to break out of conditioned thinking, we must question the most hardwired assumptions, we must observe details of our behavior and challenge our OWN feelings, and continue to observe the process with each implanted belief. The next time you ask someone for advice or guidance, or hire someone to do a job, or feel annoyed by someone who is asking you a question or giving you information, stop, sit, step outside of yourself and observe your feelings and thoughts from above, get a bird's eye view.
Albert Einstein
Feeling a little...powerless?
Whatcha lookin' for? ;)
You won't find it here cutie patootie.
Look within, seek it in the mirror.
Look into your own eyes.
There is the key.
Look deeply.
Want a clue?
Cast thyself to the earth to find what you seek from above.
Good luck with that.
You won't find it here cutie patootie.
Look within, seek it in the mirror.
Look into your own eyes.
There is the key.
Look deeply.
Want a clue?
Cast thyself to the earth to find what you seek from above.
Good luck with that.
There are as many ways to be prejudiced than stars in the sky. Those who think they are above it are not paying attention. Bias against external beauty is the same as bias against unattractiveness; they are both from the same well of ignorance and preconception. They are two sides of the same coin.
My Future... How's that for "Fate"? Sheesh...
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Past Card

"The Black Whole"
As the counterpart of the Tower, this card represents the journey to the center of the Universe, the quest for the Devil's Hole. The Black Hole is the portal to the other side. A place beyond the Universe, but also a critical component of the Universe, it is the hub of the wheel and the eye of the storm. It is total darkness. Non-existence. The unknown. This is the gateway to another dimension.
"The man who is not honest in love can not be trusted in business dealings or friendship." ~Scottish Proverb
"Please don't listen to lies about me, the forked tongues of devils ever seeking to poison and destroy. Please, hear me with your own true ears; see me with your own true eyes, believe your own true heart."
Word of God. Thank You For This Answer.
When something is bothering me and I just can't quite understand the problem, or how to resolve it, I sometimes turn to the Bible; ask God in meditative prayer, open the Good Book, and with my eyes closed point to a place on the page. This was today's answer to my question.
1 Samuel 24:14 - After whom is the king of Israel come out? after whom dost thou pursue? after a dead dog, after a flea.
1 Samuel 24:14 - After whom is the king of Israel come out? after whom dost thou pursue? after a dead dog, after a flea.
Half-close my eyes to soften my ambient light;
nimbus around my atomic quietude.
To find the things I wish to see, I must unhinge my sight,
and seek from the stillness underneath my stare.
Harken the echoing barely heard
beyond the boundaries of local murmur.
Leave behind familiar cadence
and turn back toward the way I came
to remember the magic which led me here.
Loosely wrapped lines had tightened into knots
while backs and legs strained to meet the offing,
springing toward the promise of the newest day.
Now is the evening of silent contemplation.
Turn back to the beginning to trace the lines
that have wrapped around the pilings,
that have tangled in our legs.
Turn back to find the knots that tie us to ourselves.
We will run and dance and sing
like only those who have been bound can do!
Unbind my hands and feet;
relieve my voice;
release my heart.
Let me dance!
~M. Black
nimbus around my atomic quietude.
To find the things I wish to see, I must unhinge my sight,
and seek from the stillness underneath my stare.
Harken the echoing barely heard
beyond the boundaries of local murmur.
Leave behind familiar cadence
and turn back toward the way I came
to remember the magic which led me here.
Loosely wrapped lines had tightened into knots
while backs and legs strained to meet the offing,
springing toward the promise of the newest day.
Now is the evening of silent contemplation.
Turn back to the beginning to trace the lines
that have wrapped around the pilings,
that have tangled in our legs.
Turn back to find the knots that tie us to ourselves.
We will run and dance and sing
like only those who have been bound can do!
Unbind my hands and feet;
relieve my voice;
release my heart.
Let me dance!
~M. Black
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